Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn

Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn, the youngest son of King Xaverius Draewynn and Queen Aillsa Draewynn, entered the world under the shadow of death, only to be pulled back into life through mysterious means. Born as a stillborn, his mother’s despair was met by the intervention of Queen Georgette Draewynn, whose arcane prowess restored the child to life. This unnatural beginning has marked Xarter’s life ever since, casting a long shadow over the boy who would grow up to be a figure of quiet mystery and deep-seated fear. From the very moment he drew his first breath, Xarter’s existence was tinged with a sense of unease, as if the veil between life and death had been pulled too thin for him.   Physically, Xarter stands in stark contrast to his siblings. He is overweight, with a rounded, soft appearance that belies the harshness of the world he inhabits. His face, far from the striking features of his kin, is plain and unassuming, marred by a constant sheen of sweat and the tremors of his ever-present anxiety. A lisp affects his speech, adding to the impression of a child caught perpetually on the brink of terror. His eyes, large and watery, dart nervously from one corner of a room to another, as if expecting danger to leap from the shadows at any moment. Unlike his brothers and sisters, who are often praised for their beauty and physical prowess, Xarter has grown accustomed to being overlooked and underestimated.   Despite his appearance and his constant fear, Xarter possesses an uncanny ability that sets him apart from others in the Draewynn family. From a very young age, he could hear and understand the unspoken intentions of those around him. This ability, while seemingly a gift, has only added to his burden, as it exposes him to the dark undercurrents of court life and the hidden malice that often lurks behind polite words. Xarter is acutely aware of the disdain many in the court hold for him, and this awareness feeds into his overwhelming sense of dread. The boy knows, more than anyone, that his family’s world is a dangerous one, filled with threats both seen and unseen.   To cope with his anxiety and the constant fear of death, Xarter has developed a peculiar hobby that serves as both a distraction and a form of therapy. He collects dead things—bugs, butterflies, and other small creatures that he finds in the palace gardens or along the paths he timidly walks. This collection, carefully arranged in a private corner of his chambers, is a source of comfort to him. In the stillness of these lifeless forms, Xarter finds a strange solace, a sense of control over something that no longer poses a threat. The act of collecting and arranging these small remnants of life is his way of confronting death on his own terms, of making peace with the inevitability that haunts his every waking moment.   Xarter’s relationship with his family is fraught with tension and misunderstanding. He adores his elder sister, Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn, but his affection is clumsy and often unreciprocated. His attempts to connect with her are hampered by his awkwardness and his fear of rejection, leaving him isolated even among those he cares for most. His interactions with his brother, Prince Xeric Draewynn, are even more strained. Xeric, a figure of cold detachment and ruthless efficiency, holds little respect for Xarter, viewing him as weak and inconsequential. Their exchanges are often marked by sharp words and thinly veiled contempt, with Xarter’s timid protests only serving to further irritate his brother.   Queen Aillsa, Xarter’s mother, is a formidable warrior and strategist, yet she struggles to understand her youngest son. Her love for him is real, but it is filtered through the lens of her own values—strength, resilience, and honor. She cannot comprehend the depth of his fear or the strange comfort he finds in his macabre collection. To her, Xarter is a puzzle, a child who defies the expectations she has for all her children. She tries to toughen him up, pushing him towards the martial disciplines that define her world, but these efforts only deepen his anxiety and push him further into his shell.   King Xaverius, on the other hand, regards Xarter with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. The king sees in his son’s strange abilities and morbid hobbies a potential tool, something that could be of use in the future, though he has yet to find a way to make Xarter’s talents align with his own plans. Xarter, for his part, fears his father as much as he respects him, acutely aware of the danger that comes with being close to the king. He tries to avoid his father’s gaze, knowing that the man who rules Varanthia is not one to tolerate weakness.   Xarter’s life is one of constant vigilance, where every shadow seems to hold a threat, and every sound is a harbinger of doom. He spends most of his days in the quieter, less-traveled parts of the palace, avoiding confrontation and seeking solace in his collection of dead things. The few servants who attend to him have learned to move quietly and speak softly, understanding that their young prince is a delicate creature, easily spooked and quick to retreat into himself. They whisper among themselves, wondering what will become of the boy who seems more ghost than prince.   Despite his fears, Xarter possesses a resilience that even he does not fully recognize. He continues to survive in a world that is openly hostile to him, navigating the complexities of court life with a quiet determination. He may not be strong in the traditional sense, but there is a strength in his persistence, in the way he continues to exist despite the overwhelming odds against him. This resilience is the spark that keeps him going, the small flicker of life that refuses to be snuffed out by the darkness that surrounds him.


Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn


Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn


Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Eldest Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn



Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
13th of Aqurra
Year of Birth
15742 8 Years old
Aligned Organization


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