King Xaverius Draewynn

King Xaverius Draewynn is a ruler whose name echoes through the annals of history as one of the most powerful and feared monarchs in Varanthia. Born into the prestigious House of Draewynn, Xaverius was raised under the stern guidance of his father, King Thurmond Draewynn, a warrior king known for his brutal conquests and iron-fisted rule. From a young age, Xaverius was groomed to not only inherit the throne but also to embody the dark legacy of his ancestors. Unlike his father, who was a blunt instrument of war, Xaverius developed a sharp mind, becoming a master of manipulation, political intrigue, and the subtle yet deadly game of court politics.   Physically imposing with striking features, Xaverius is a man whose presence commands attention and instills fear. His dark, piercing eyes seem to see through the very souls of those who dare to meet his gaze, while his meticulously maintained appearance projects an image of absolute control. Xaverius’s physical appearance—handsome yet severe—serves as a mirror to his cold, calculating mind. His every movement, every word, is calculated to maintain his grip on power, and those who underestimate him quickly learn that his intellect is as sharp as the sword he wields.   As king, Xaverius has ruled with an iron fist, ensuring that his kingdom remains strong and unyielding. Under his reign, Varanthia has flourished both militarily and economically, but this prosperity has come at the cost of personal freedoms and the lives of those who dared to oppose him. Xaverius’s court is a place of shadows and whispers, where treachery is as common as loyalty, and alliances shift with the wind. Fear is his preferred tool of governance, and he wields it with unmatched skill, ensuring that those who serve him do so out of both respect and terror.   One of the most significant aspects of Xaverius’s rule is his connection to the ancient wyverns of Varanthia, a bond passed down through the Draewynn bloodline. Raised alongside a Varanthian wyvern, Xaverius shares a deep, almost mystical connection with the creature, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of his house. This bond is both a testament to his divine right to rule and a reminder of the pact his ancestors made with these fearsome beasts—a pact that solidified their claim to the throne. The wyvern serves as both a companion and a weapon, its presence a constant reminder of the power Xaverius wields over life and death.   Xaverius’s fascination with the occult and forbidden magic has only deepened the fear that surrounds him. Following in the footsteps of his father, Xaverius has delved into the dark arts, engaging in rituals and practices that most would consider madness. It is rumored that he has made pacts with entities beyond the mortal realm, securing power that transcends the natural world. This dalliance with the arcane has only added to his aura of dread, as it is believed that Xaverius is not just a king, but a man who holds the power to unravel the very fabric of reality.   Despite his ruthless nature, Xaverius is a strategic ruler who understands the importance of alliances and the manipulation of those around him to achieve his goals. His marriages to multiple queens are not just displays of power but calculated moves to secure loyalty and control over different factions within his kingdom. Each of his queens serves a purpose, whether in politics, war, or arcane matters, and Xaverius uses them as pawns in his greater game. However, his relationship with Princess Safinnia Lýondor, the one queen who has resisted his advances, is a source of both frustration and intrigue for him. Safinnia’s defiance represents a challenge he has yet to conquer, and it only deepens his fascination with her.   The Women Behind the Throne   Xaverius’s reign is heavily influenced by the women who share his throne, each bringing their own strengths, weaknesses, and ambitions to the table. His first wife, Queen Sabina Draewynn, is the most cunning and ruthless of all. Originally a minor noblewoman, Sabina was once a bright and idealistic girl, but the harsh realities of court life and her family’s ambition turned her heart cold and calculating. She became Xaverius’s wet nurse at a young age, and it was through this position that she began to manipulate him, molding the young prince into a man who would be dependent on her for the rest of his life. Sabina’s influence over Xaverius was solidified when she orchestrated the death of his potential bride, ensuring that she would be the one to become his first lover and, eventually, his queen.   As Xaverius ascended to the throne, Sabina’s position became even more secure. Her meticulous planning and ruthless ambition allowed her to become the most powerful woman in Varanthia, though her influence has waned with the arrival of the other queens. Now at the age of 68, Sabina plays the role of a matriarch, her power exercised through her children and grandchildren rather than directly over Xaverius. Despite this, she remains a formidable presence in the court, her advice still carrying weight with the king.   Queen Alvina Draewynn, Xaverius’s second wife, is a woman defined by her fierce loyalty and warrior spirit. A war heroine of the Abyss Wars, Alvina’s reputation as a warrior was well-established long before she caught the eye of Xaverius. Drawn to her strength and devotion to the deity Hawk, Xaverius orchestrated the death of her husband, paving the way for their passionate but tumultuous affair. Alvina, completely consumed by her love for the king, abandoned her previous life and became his most loyal consort. However, her relationship with Xaverius has come at the cost of her children’s happiness, as she is a harsh and emotionally distant mother who blames them for any mistakes they make.   Queen Georgette Draewynn, the third wife, is perhaps the most dangerous of all. A sorceress of immense power, Georgette first became obsessed with Xaverius when he was still a prince, scrying on him daily and falling deeply in love with the man she saw beneath the mask of a flirtatious bachelor. Her obsession led her to save his life when an assassin came for him, teleporting the would-be killer into orbit and revealing herself as his savior. Though Xaverius initially ordered her execution, her immense magical prowess and unwavering loyalty eventually won him over, and she became his wife on his thirty-eighth birthday.   Georgette’s love for Xaverius is absolute, but it is also deeply unsettling. She views her children as mere tools in her experiments, willing to sacrifice them to ensure the king’s safety. Her disdain for the other queens is palpable, and she openly practices forbidden magic, drawing power from the deity Timo the Famished. Despite her severe appearance, Georgette has captured the king’s heart with her devotion and power, making her one of the most feared women in Varanthia.   Queen Aillsa Draewynn, the fourth wife, is a warrior at heart, her life defined by strength and resilience. Born in a remote warrior village, Aillsa was taken as a spoil of war by Xaverius during his expansion campaigns. Thrown into the military, she quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a brilliant strategist and an indomitable warrior. When she returned to the capital at the age of 19, she executed a flawless assault on the city, capturing the royal guard and taking the first queen hostage. In a display of strength, she challenged Xaverius to make her his queen, a challenge she won through sheer force of will. Their relationship is marked by mutual respect and camaraderie, with Aillsa serving as both protector and equal to the king.   Finally, there is Princess Safinnia Lýondor, the fifth and most reluctant of Xaverius’s wives. Originally from Eryndor, Safinnia was promised to Xaverius at the age of eight but ran away, spending twenty-five years as a pirate before being captured and forced to fulfill her family’s promise. Safinnia’s defiance has earned her the nickname “Mount Virgin,” as she refuses to consummate her marriage with the king. Despite this, Xaverius is fascinated by her, and their relationship is a constant battle of wills. Safinnia’s presence is a source of tension among the other queens, who see her as both a rival and a threat.   A Reign Marked by Rivalries and Dark Secrets   Xaverius’s reign is also defined by his deep-seated rivalry with Queen Mirla Lýondor of Eryndor, a conflict that is both political and personal. The struggle for control of the Pinnacle Strait has been a central theme of his rule, with Xaverius willing to go to any lengths to destroy his rival. This rivalry is a reflection of the darkness within him, a mirror of his own ambition and the lengths he is willing to go to secure his power.   Throughout his life, Xaverius has been surrounded by those who seek to influence him, manipulate him, or destroy him. His wives, each with their own agendas and ambitions, play a central role in the intricate web of power that defines his court. Yet, despite their machinations, Xaverius remains the undisputed ruler of Varanthia, a king whose name will be remembered for generations to come.


King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Sabina Draewynn



Queen Sabina Draewynn

Wife Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Sabina was once Xaverius’s wet nurse and the woman who molded him into the man he would become. Her transition from caretaker to queen was marked by manipulation and ambition, solidified by their marriage when Xaverius ascended to the throne. Over the years, their relationship evolved from one of dependency to a more distant, strategic alliance, with Sabina maintaining a significant but diminishing influence over the king.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Sabina share a deep understanding of court politics and the dark arts, both having been heavily involved in the manipulation and control of those around them. They both value power and control, though Sabina’s methods are more rooted in subtlety and subversion, while Xaverius has embraced a more direct approach. Their shared history of survival in the ruthless environment of Varanthian politics binds them, though their interests have diverged over time.

King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Alvina Draewynn



Queen Alvina Draewynn

Queen Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Alvina, a war heroine from the Abyss Wars, caught Xaverius's attention with her unwavering strength and devotion to Hawk. Their relationship began with a passionate affair that led to her becoming his queen. Alvina’s love for Xaverius is intense and possessive, with her loyalty never wavering despite the complexities of their court life. Their marriage is characterized by mutual respect and deep, if somewhat obsessive, affection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Alvina and Xaverius share a strong sense of duty and an appreciation for strength and loyalty. They are united by their belief in the importance of power, whether it is through military might or political influence. Alvina’s dedication to protecting Xaverius mirrors his desire to maintain control over his kingdom, making them a formidable pair both in court and in battle.

King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Georgette Draewynn



Queen Georgette Draewynn

Queen Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Georgette’s obsession with Xaverius began long before they met, as she spied on him for years using her magical abilities. After saving him from an assassination attempt, her persistence and power eventually led to their marriage. Georgette’s relationship with Xaverius is one of intense devotion, bordering on madness, with her primary focus being his protection and the use of her dark arcane powers to keep him safe.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Georgette share a deep fascination with the dark and forbidden aspects of magic. Both are willing to cross moral boundaries to achieve their goals, and they respect each other’s intellect and power. Their relationship thrives on their shared obsession with control and protection, though Georgette’s devotion often leads her to act in ways that are more extreme than Xaverius might prefer.

King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Aillsa Draewynn



Queen Aillsa Draewynn

Queen Consort (Important)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Aillsa was a fierce warrior captured by Xaverius during an expansion war. After proving her loyalty and strength through a bold assault on the capital, she eventually won Xaverius’s respect and hand in marriage. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and camaraderie, with Aillsa serving as both a protector and a trusted ally. Their marriage is less about romantic passion and more about a shared understanding of duty and honor.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Aillsa share a deep respect for military prowess and strategy. Both value loyalty and strength, seeing these qualities as essential to leadership and governance. Aillsa’s focus on protecting the kingdom aligns with Xaverius’s desire to maintain and expand his power, making their partnership one of mutual benefit and respect, rather than purely emotional connection.

King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Princess Safinnia Lýondor



Princess Safinnia Lýondor

Queen Consort (Trivial)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Safinnia was betrothed to Xaverius as part of a political alliance but fled her family and spent 25 years as a pirate before being captured and forced to marry the king. Their marriage is marked by constant conflict, with Safinnia refusing to submit to Xaverius’s authority. Despite this, Xaverius is fascinated by her defiance, and their relationship remains a tense battle of wills.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Safinnia have few commonalities, with their relationship being more about conflict than shared interests. However, both possess a strong sense of independence and a refusal to be easily controlled. Safinnia’s strength and defiance intrigue Xaverius, while her presence as a queen who rejects courtly norms serves as a constant challenge to his authority, keeping him engaged and somewhat respectful of her resilience.

Legal Status


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
10th of Ebber
Year of Birth
15703 47 Years old
Queen Sabina Draewynn (Wife Consort)
Queen Alvina Draewynn (Queen Consort)
Queen Georgette Draewynn (Queen Consort)
Queen Aillsa Draewynn (Queen Consort)
Princess Safinnia Lýondor (Queen Consort)
Aligned Organization


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