Prince Xerses Draewynn

Prince Xerses Draewynn, known throughout the kingdom as the "Cloud Giant," is a man shaped by early maturity, unfulfilled dreams, and a deep-seated resentment that has festered into a lifelong rivalry. Born to King Xaverius Draewynn and Queen Sabina Draewynn, Xerses was thrust into the harsh realities of court life from a young age. Unlike other children who reveled in the innocence of youth, Xerses was quick to discard the frivolities of childhood, treating life with a jaded sense of humor and a growing disregard for the world around him. His early maturity, coupled with the burdens of his royal lineage, set him on a path that would make him both one of Varanthia’s greatest warriors and its most notorious villains.   From a young age, Xerses was captivated by the tales of Princess Safinnia Lýondor, a rebellious figure who defied the expectations of her noble birth by becoming a fearsome pirate. The idea of capturing Safinnia and bringing her to justice was a dream that fueled Xerses’s ambitions. He envisioned himself as a sea captain, earning his place in history by taming the wild seas and capturing the infamous pirate. However, this dream was shattered when, at the age of ten, Xerses learned that Safinnia had been captured and forced into marriage with his father. The chance to prove himself, to forge his own legacy, was taken from him in an instant, leaving him with a sense of loss and a bitterness that would define much of his life.   The resentment that Xerses felt toward Safinnia only deepened after an incident that occurred when he was just nine years old. As a young boy, Xerses was prone to the typical annoyances of childhood, often teasing and provoking those around him. During one such instance, he pushed Safinnia too far. Safinnia, shackled and unable to use her hands, responded by head-butting Xerses, knocking out his front teeth. To her, the act was a simple defense against an irritating child, and she dismissed the damage by arguing that they were only his baby teeth. However, for Xerses, the humiliation was profound. The incident marked a turning point in his life, cementing Safinnia in his mind as the source of his frustrations and the embodiment of his unfulfilled dreams.   As he grew older, Xerses’s behavior became increasingly rebellious and unmanageable. His resentment toward Safinnia transformed into open hostility, and he took every opportunity to make her life difficult. Whether through cruel jabs, mockery, or outright bullying, Xerses sought to assert his dominance over her, determined to make her pay for the perceived wrongs she had inflicted upon him. This behavior earned him the ire of the court, and even his own parents began to view him with frustration and disappointment. However, despite their disapproval, Xerses remained defiant, his anger and bitterness driving him to continue his campaign against Safinnia.   Despite the growing animosity between them, there was a grudging respect that began to form in Xerses’s mind. Safinnia, far from being cowed by his attacks, responded with a strength and resilience that only fueled his obsession. She became more than just a target for his anger; she became a rival, someone who challenged him in ways no one else could. This rivalry, though rooted in childhood resentment, became a central aspect of Xerses’s identity, shaping his actions and decisions for years to come.   In the court of Varanthia, Xerses was viewed as a problematic figure. During times of peace, his behavior was seen as disruptive and immature, a far cry from the disciplined prince the kingdom needed. His parents, King Xaverius and Queen Sabina, were particularly concerned about his lack of respect for authority and his refusal to take his responsibilities seriously. However, everything changed when war loomed on the horizon. In times of conflict, Xerses transformed into something else entirely—a warrior of unmatched skill and ferocity.   Xerses’s dedication to the sword was unparalleled. From a young age, he trained relentlessly, honing his skills through every hardship imaginable. Whether sick, injured, or exhausted, Xerses never missed an opportunity to practice, often pushing himself to the brink of physical collapse. This unwavering commitment made him one of the most feared warriors in the kingdom, earning him the nickname "Cloud Giant" for the sheer power of his sword swings, which were said to be so mighty they could reach the clouds. His reputation as the best swordsman in Varanthia was well-deserved, and even the kingdom’s enemies spoke of him with a mixture of fear and respect.   Despite his extraordinary talent, Xerses was an arrogant and unpleasant individual. His early maturity had robbed him of the joys of childhood, leading him to treat life with a jaded sense of humor and a disdain for anything not related to his own pleasures or his mastery of the sword. He was known for his cruelty and quick temper, traits that only worsened as he grew older. Those who served him knew that loyalty was rewarded with indifference, while any perceived slight was met with brutal punishment.   Xerses’s relationship with his parents was strained at best. During times of peace, they saw him as a disappointment, a son who had wasted his potential on debauchery and arrogance. The court shared this view, treating Xerses with thinly veiled contempt. However, when war arrived, all of this changed. His parents and the court were forced to acknowledge his unparalleled skill with the sword. During these times, Xerses became a hero, a champion of Varanthia whose presence on the battlefield could turn the tide of any conflict. His parents may not have approved of his lifestyle, but they could not deny the effectiveness of his blade in securing their kingdom’s future.   Safinnia, for her part, began to deeply regret her actions over the years. She recognized that her response to Xerses’s childish behavior had sown the seeds of a bitter rivalry that would only fester as he grew older. Her initial indifference turned to guilt as she watched Xerses become more rebellious and angry, knowing that she had played a role in shaping his animosity. However, by the time this regret took hold, the damage was already done. Xerses had become increasingly hostile toward her, seeing her as a personal enemy rather than a mere inconvenience.   As Xerses continued to grow into his role as a warrior, his rivalry with Safinnia remained a constant source of tension in the royal household. He viewed her not just as a rival but as someone who had taken away his dreams and humiliated him in the process. This sense of rivalry was so deeply ingrained that Xerses made it his mission to oppose Safinnia in everything. Whenever she made a decision, he would deliberately choose the opposite course of action, driven by a need to assert his dominance and prove that he was not the boy she had once belittled.   The ongoing tension between Xerses and Safinnia did not go unnoticed in the Varanthian court. Courtiers and other members of the royal family were well aware of the animosity between them, with many viewing it as a dangerous and potentially destabilizing influence. Xerses’s behavior, already seen as problematic due to his arrogance and lack of respect during times of peace, was further scrutinized in light of his conflicts with Safinnia. His parents, especially his mother, grew increasingly concerned about the implications of this rivalry, fearing it could undermine the stability of the court.   In the end, the rivalry between Xerses and Safinnia became a defining aspect of both their lives. For Xerses, Safinnia represented everything he had lost, and his resentment toward her shaped his actions and decisions for years to come. For Safinnia, the rivalry was a constant reminder of her past mistakes and the lasting impact they had on the people around her. Their relationship, fraught with conflict and tension, became a symbol of the darker side of power and ambition in the kingdom of Varanthia.   Today, Prince Xerses Draewynn stands as a man of immense talent and equally immense flaws. His reputation as the "Cloud Giant" is well-earned, a testament to his skill on the battlefield and his dedication to the sword. However, his legacy is also marked by bitterness, resentment, and a rivalry that has shaped his life in ways he can neither fully understand nor escape. As one of Varanthia’s most formidable warriors, Xerses continues to command respect and fear, but the shadow of his past looms large over his future, a reminder of the dreams that were lost and the enmity that endures.


Princess Xeverin Draewynn

Twin Sister

Towards Prince Xerses Draewynn


Prince Xerses Draewynn

Twin Brother

Towards Princess Xeverin Draewynn


Princess Xephyr Draewynn

Eldest Sister

Towards Prince Xerses Draewynn


Prince Xerses Draewynn

Younger Brother

Towards Princess Xephyr Draewynn


Prince Xazis Draewynn

Younger-Brother (Vital)

Towards Prince Xerses Draewynn



Prince Xerses Draewynn

Elder-Brother (Trivial)

Towards Prince Xazis Draewynn



Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
35th of Oblate
Year of Birth
15729 21 Years old
Princess Xephyr Draewynn (Eldest Sister)
Prince Xazis Draewynn (Younger-Brother)
Aligned Organization


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