Queen Sabina Draewynn

Sabina Draewynn, née Voigt, was not always the cold and calculating figure that she is known as today. Born into a minor noble house, Sabina was a bright and cheerful girl, her heart full of dreams of romance and adventure. She was the kind of child who believed in fairy tales, in the goodness of people, and in the idea that love could conquer all. Her early life was filled with the simple joys of a young noblewoman—learning to dance, attending grand balls, and imagining the day when she would marry a handsome prince and live happily ever after. In many ways, she was like a character out of a fairy tale herself, with a heart as pure as gold and a smile that could light up a room.   But life in Varanthia is no fairy tale, and the harsh realities of court life quickly began to chip away at Sabina's innocence. Her idealism, once seen as charming, soon became a source of ridicule. The other nobles whispered behind her back, calling her delusional and unfit for the ruthless world of Varanthian politics. Her fairy-tale beliefs were mocked, and potential suitors avoided her, fearing that she was mentally unstable. Her family, embarrassed by her naivety and the stigma attached to her, saw no future for her in the competitive marriage market. Desperate to salvage some benefit from their daughter, they arranged for her to be sent to the royal court as a wet nurse for the newborn prince, Xaverius. It was a role far beneath her noble birth, but her family believed it was the only way to gain some influence at court. This decision, however, planted the seeds of a deep and bitter resentment in Sabina's heart, a resentment that would later bloom into something dark and twisted.   As she nursed and cared for the prince, Sabina’s resentment grew, but so did her cunning. It was during these early years with Xaverius that she began to plot, realizing that she could turn her situation to her advantage. She devised a plan to mold Xaverius into a man who would need her, not just as a caretaker but as the central figure in his life. Her initial bitterness transformed into a cold determination. Sabina made herself indispensable to the young prince, becoming his closest confidante, his guide, and, most insidiously, the object of his nascent desires. She became obsessed with the idea of making herself the most important person in Xaverius's life, seeing it as the ultimate revenge against those who had scorned her. Her family’s dismissal and the cruelty of the court ignited a fire within her, a fire that drove her to ensure that no one, not even her own kin, would ever have power over her again.   Sabina's beauty and grace were not lost on Xaverius as he grew older, and she used this to her advantage, subtly encouraging his affections. She carefully cultivated his dependence on her, weaving herself into every aspect of his life. She made sure that anything he wanted to do, any desire he had, she was there to fulfill it or to guide him through it. Sabina was not content with merely being his wet nurse or even his advisor; she wanted to be the first and only woman in his life, the one he turned to for everything, including his burgeoning sexual desires. She fed his ego, his needs, and his darkest urges, ensuring that he grew up wanting her and only her.   As Xaverius matured, Sabina's influence deepened, and she began to see any potential threat to her position as something that needed to be eliminated. She became ruthless in her pursuit of power, her once-innocent heart now blackened by ambition. When whispers began circulating about a possible marriage between Xaverius and one of his cousins, a young woman from a more powerful branch of the family, Sabina knew she had to act. The thought of anyone else capturing Xaverius's attention, of another woman becoming his first, was unbearable to her. In a move that would forever mark her as a villain, Sabina orchestrated the death of the girl, arranging for her to "disappear" during a visit to the Pinnacle Strait. It was whispered that the girl had fallen into the deadly waters, but in truth, she had been silenced by Sabina’s hand, her body lost to the depths.   This act of cold-blooded murder solidified Sabina's place at Xaverius's side. No one else could compete with her, and she ensured that no one would ever try. She continued to weave herself into every facet of his life, nurturing his dependence on her, and feeding his desires. Sabina knew exactly what buttons to push, what words to say, to keep him coming back to her, even as he took on other wives. She became his first lover, the woman who initiated him into the world of power, pleasure, and pain. Every touch, every whispered word, was calculated to deepen his attachment to her.   When Xaverius ascended to the throne at 28, Sabina was there, the power behind the throne. The council, wary of her influence, pressured Xaverius to marry her, thinking it would curb her control. They were wrong. Xaverius, ever loyal to the woman who had shaped him, killed those who had dared to suggest that he needed to be controlled and married Sabina the very next day. She was 41, and her ascension to queen was a culmination of years of meticulous planning and ruthless ambition. She had achieved her goal of becoming the most powerful woman in Varanthia, but her quest for control did not end there.   Sabina continued to manipulate Xaverius even after their marriage, ensuring that her position remained secure. She bore him children, who became the oldest of his offspring, further cementing her legacy within the royal lineage. However, as Xaverius took on more wives, Sabina's influence began to wane. The other queens were younger, more beautiful, and eager to claim the king's attention. But Sabina was not to be underestimated. She might not share Xaverius's bed as often as she once did, but she remained a formidable presence in his life. Even as his dependence on her faded, Xaverius still came to her when he was truly troubled, when no one else could soothe his anger or frustration.   Now at the age of 68, Sabina's role has shifted from that of a lover and confidante to that of a matriarch and power broker. She is more of a grandmother than a wife, her influence exercised through her children and grandchildren rather than directly through Xaverius. But she remains a force to be reckoned with, respected and feared by the other queens and courtiers alike. She has outlived many of her rivals, her hands stained with the blood of those who dared to challenge her.   Sabina spends her days in the capital, overseeing the education and upbringing of her grandchildren, ensuring that the next generation of Draewynns is as ruthless and cunning as she and their father. She has also taken on the role of a shadowy advisor to Xaverius, offering counsel only when she deems it necessary. Though she no longer has the same day-to-day influence over him, her voice still carries weight, and when she speaks, Xaverius listens.   In her quiet moments, Sabina reflects on the life she has led. She has achieved more than she ever dreamed possible, but it has come at a cost. The dreams of romance and happiness she once held are long gone, replaced by a life of scheming and manipulation. She has few true friends, and even fewer people she trusts. Yet, she is content. Sabina understands that in Varanthia, power is the only thing that matters, and she has wielded it with unmatched skill. As she looks towards the future, she knows that her legacy is secure, and that, in the end, she has truly won.


King Xaverius Draewynn

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Sabina Draewynn



Queen Sabina Draewynn

Wife Consort (Vital)

Towards King Xaverius Draewynn




Sabina was once Xaverius’s wet nurse and the woman who molded him into the man he would become. Her transition from caretaker to queen was marked by manipulation and ambition, solidified by their marriage when Xaverius ascended to the throne. Over the years, their relationship evolved from one of dependency to a more distant, strategic alliance, with Sabina maintaining a significant but diminishing influence over the king.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Xaverius and Sabina share a deep understanding of court politics and the dark arts, both having been heavily involved in the manipulation and control of those around them. They both value power and control, though Sabina’s methods are more rooted in subtlety and subversion, while Xaverius has embraced a more direct approach. Their shared history of survival in the ruthless environment of Varanthian politics binds them, though their interests have diverged over time.

Date of Birth
19th of Aqurra,
Year of Birth
15682 68 Years old
Ruled Locations


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