
Arroschk is the eldest son of the great Kurroschk, chief of the Rrokresch Hills nation and Ejdehan hero of the War of Sovereignty. Arroschk is the current Wind Chief, leader of the international Brotherhood of the Wind. Under Arroschk's direction, the Brotherhood has doubled its ranks of elite warriors. It is widely known that he has been pressuring his father for certain changes in the trade relations with the Volenaran League, among them being the nationalization of the mines in Rrokresch Hills, currently owned by various Volenaran enterprises. He has used his influence with the other nations to push for similar measures elsewhere, believing that the League takes advantage of the Ejdehan Nations, still thinking them ignorant savages to be exploited.


Kurroschk has so far resisted taking any such measures. Arroschk thinks that he is stuck in past victories, misled by warm feelings for the humans after their shared victory over the Kalmasan Samraj, particularly his close friend, former Volenaran Supreme General Huexolotl Omecoatl, now High Executor of the Volenaran League. Though it is widely believed that Arroschk will succeed his father as chief of Rrokresch Hills, there are also rumors that he desires to be great chief of the entire Ejdehan Nations, a position that has never existed in peace time. Only the Inaschek, 'War Chief' has led the nations as a whole, the position his father had during the War of Sovereignty. The people of the nations are split on the idea, with the younger Ejdehan generally more supportive than their elders.



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