Brotherhood of the Wind

Members of this internation warrior society are chosen from the finest warriors in each ejdehan nation. The Brotherhood was first formed to defend the Ejdehan Nations against the incursions of colonists and fortune seekers from Kalmasa.


The Brotherhood consists of highly trained aerial fighters, able to shoot bows and perform coordinated diving lance charges. Performing as guerrilla fighters, the Brotherhood harried Kalmasan Legion movements with surprise attacks, flew down at night to sabotage ships and store houses and did whatever else they could to keep the invaders at bay. After the Nations made peace with the newly formed Pranesh, the League supplied the Brotherhood with superior weapons and armor, both light and strong. The Brotherhood’s role as aerial scouts, saboteurs and shock troops was invaluable to the War of Sovereignty.


The Brotherhood specialize in aerial combat involving a broad bladed long spear, javelins, archery and incendiaries. In addition to combat, they are trained to become airborne from level ground with little running, to stay airborne longer and to employ aerial group tactics. Some elite members are trained in sabotage, employing oil and napalm bombs to destroy ships.


Members reside in their own nations, but convene for training every three months, each time in a different nation. Spear Chiefs lead groups of twenty warriors, called a Spear. Above the Spear Chief is the Talon Chief who commands 120 warriors, called a Talon. Above the talon chiefs is the Wind Chief, who leads the entire Brotherhood force. Their current Wind Chief is Arroschk, eldest son of Chief Kurroschk of Rrokresch Hills, who first made peace with the Volenarans.

Training Level
Parent Organization
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