

Hero of the Ejdehan Nations, founder of the Brotherhood of the Wind, the warleader that helped defeat the Kalmasan Samraj during the War of Sovereignty, Kurroschk is the most renowned and respected ejdehan of the current era.


Kurroschk was the first of the highland clan chiefs to convince his people, Rrokresch Hills Nation, to accept refugee ejdehan from the coastal nations fleeing the invasion and hostilities of the Kalmasan explorers and colonists. He organized a great inter-nation warband, uniting the disparate nations like never before against this alien threat, by convening the first Trakrriasch of all the clan chiefs of Volenar in over a thousand years.


At this convention, he established the Brotherhood of the Wind, composed of the finest gliding hunters and warriors of all the nations. With this force, Kurroschk and his warriors were able to halt the momentum of the invaders and do them real damage, and through this noble struggle, winning the respect and admiration of the great Kalmasan general, Huexolotl Omecoatl.


With General Omecoatl, Kurroschk made a peace treaty, allowing the colonists land and securing the homelands of the coastal ejdehan refugees. Years later, he and his brotherhood would be instrumental in the victory of the former Volenaran colonies seceding from the Samraj and forming their independent confederation of Volenaran cantons, the Volenaran League.



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