
Donava is the second-most populous province of the Kalmasan Samraj. It is located in the southwestern coastal plains of Kalmasa. Donava is bordered by the provinces of Ishvalem to the north and Chol’um to the southeast and the Rirha Mountains Mountains to the east. Due to its civil authority and geographical advantages, it is a major trade hub of the Kalmasan Samraj. Aside from trade, it is also rich in agriculture, minerals and livestock.


Donava was founded by Mahar bas Alem, nephew of Lord Gheran bas Arbiram. Donava was named after Mahar’s mother, Lord Gheran's younger sister. The city of Solkar was the first settlement of Donava, located in a deep-water bay providing ready access to the Torvalen Sea without passing through the dangerous Kemesh Strait.


Donava grew to become the wealthiest raj in Kalmasa. In the aftermath of the slave rebellion led by Huemac Chichilcuautli that nearly toppled the regime, Donava officially banned slavery. Many newly freed slaves and war-torn peasants seeking new opportunity joined Donava sponsored colony missions south into Kemesh.


Donava became the imperial province of the Kalmasan Samraj under its first Samrajan, Mahendran I after subjugating the rest of the rajans during the War of Brothers.

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