New Eshkar

New Eshkar is a province of the Kalmasan Samraj, located in southeastern Kalmasa. It is bordered by the province of Chol’um to the south, the Gulf of Haxcalco to the east, the province of Azresh to the north and the Citlatepetlan Mountains to the west. Its capital is Alesh, the oldest Eshtem city in Kalmasa and seat of power for the United Temples of Evran.


New Eshkar was the first foothold of the refugees of Eshkar when they arrived on the shores of Kalmasa over two centuries ago led by Gheran bas Arbiram. It was the territory of the Apoxtec Empire, on their southern border, granted to the Eshtem who the Apoxtec nobility found useful for their shipbuilding, sailing and metallurgy skills. It was wrested from the empire by Gheran during a time of civil strife, aided by southern Apoxtec clans who preferred his rule as well as forces sent north from Chol'um, who desired a buffer between their lands and the Apoxtecs.


The land became the first Eshtem raj, ruled by Rajan Gheran, who was the first of the Eshtem of the great houses to wed a Calmaxtec woman, Izel, daughter of a minor southern Apoxtec noble. The marriage cemented his relationship with the native people. Later, during the War of Brothers that established the Kalmasan Samraj, New Eshkar was the first raj to recognize Mahendran I and join his cause, becoming the second province of the Samraj after Donava.

Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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