Green-Purple Splendor

Green-Purple Splendor a long established ulan commune found in the Gulf of Nirasa off the coast of western Barendar ruled by Weaver-of-Light-and-Dreams. It is within the center of the massive green-purple kelp forest that dominates the gulf. The ulan of Green-Purple Splendor are known, along with the marsh dwelling Warm Chorus commune, for having a close relationship with the dhun, with whom they visit by way of the massive Sampa River that drains into the Gulf of Nirasa.


Little physical exchange besides trinkets of art goes on between them, but they help watch over each other and share news. Occasionally, an ulan of the commune has even undergone the Change so that they could live permanently among the dhun, with whom the ulan share much in the way of philosophy and way of life, different as they are physiologically. These altered ulan founded the commune of Warm-Chorus in the Dhala wetlands.


With the coming of the Eshtem and the increase in sea traffic they initiated in the area, the denizens of Green-Purple Splendor have spent more time interacting with other surface races, especially by way of freeing their vessels from kelp entanglement, warning them from rocky shoals or coming to their aid in attacks from achamatl and nagathi. Need for this assistance has lessened over the years, as navigators have become more familiar with the waters and generally avoid the gulf altogether.

National Territory
Location under


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