
The Eagle Lord, Grandfather of Day

Huanactli is an old Teotl who was prominent in the independent city-state era before the rise of the great Chol'ul and Apoxtec empires. Huanactli is a paternal god, a god of the state, of order, fatherhood, wisdom and learning. His role was largely supplanted by that of Ucuriaztl, but since the rise of the Kalmasan Samraj and the founding of Neztlalpan, he has experienced a resurgence of worship among the nobility and city leadership of Neztlalpan as well as among many Calmaxtec in the Kalmasan Samraj, since worship of Ucuriaztl was made illegal.


Many Calmaxtec in the Kalmasan Samraj have begun to syncretize Huanactli with the Eshtem deva Evran, who shares many of the same traits. The United Temples are divided into theological factions over this. The more conservative see it as heresy while more pragmatic or progressive priests see it as an opportunity to bring more Calmaxtec to their temples and help to discourage the growing underground influence of Chicahuacohtli.


Mezaltli is the Apoxtec name for the yellow sun and the spirit of the yellow sun, named Kal in Eshti. It is often associated with the teotl Huanactli, sometimes directly, other times as a servant or vehicle of the teotl.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Sunrise over the Philipines by Jpogi - Wikimedia Commons


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