
The Apoxtec are a Calmaxtec people native to the north and northwest regions of Kalmasa. In the northern Calmaxtec dialects, "Apoxtec" translates roughly to "Tall People". As the name suggests, Apoxtec tend to be somewhat taller than the other Calmaxtec peoples. Their language, Apoxtl, is part of the northern Calmaxtec language family, shared with the Maxcaltec.


They are considered the fiercest, and most quick-tempered Calmaxtec. Before the coming of the Eshtem, the Apoxtec empire of Apoxtlan held sway over a third of Kalmasa and tribute was paid to its tlatoani by many communities outside of the empire.


The Eshtem first arrived on the shores of the Gulf of Haxcalco in the eastern Kalmasa, in what was then southern Apoxtlan. Although initially submitting to Apoxtec rule, after some decades of establishing themselves, the Eshtem seized control of the gulf under the Scholar-King Gheran bas Arbiram and the power of the Apoxtec nobility was weakened with the Eshtem occupying more territory and causing defections of disaffected Apoxtec peasants and through making alliances with the empire's enemies.


Much of the surviving nobility fled north into the fastness of the Cochicoatepetlan Mountains mountains, where after decades, through an alliance with the Xoxicohtli order, the Neztlalpan Confederation Confederation was established in the lands north of the range.


Apoxtec religion differs between those of elite clans and those of peasants. Apoxtec of the elite clans tend to pay worship to the teteo, like most southern Calmaxtec people. Commoners generally adhere to the older traditions of Apoxtec religion and make offerings to the telluric spirit, Ehuatlaltipac.

Parent ethnicities
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Languages spoken


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