
Ila'Kana is the fifth eldest of the koroua according to the shared beliefs of the hakanu, spiritual son of Na'Rua and Ila'Ra. Ila'Kana is associated with the the sea, especially the sea surrounding sacred Okaluan, his name meaning 'Grandfather of the Great Waters' or 'Revered Lord of the Sea'.


Hakanu creation stories say that he was the younger son of Na'Rua and Ila'Ra. By Na'Anu'ko, he is the father of the Toru Jenu'ata, the three moons.



Rituals devoted to Ila'Kana are common in the lives of the coastal dwelling Talani'i. Offerings are made to him at the beginning of fishing seasons, and important sea hunts of powerful swift-snakes or attacks on undersea hives of the dangerous achamatl, known to the hakanu as korokinau.


Ila'Kana is called upon by the tukuoro only during important yearly ceremonies and in times of great need. He grants powers to those who commune with him and have his favor over the waves and winds, the most powerful manifestation being the hurricane and tsunami.

Divine Classification


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