
Koroua is a word that means "Great Ancestor" in both Kahala'i and Talani'i languages. The koroua are elani and the most ancient and powerful ancestor spirits of the hakanu people, whom they revere. They are the spirits that defend the spirit world of the hakanu, Utulhuanu. There are many koroua and the division between the spirits of familial ancestors and koroua is hazy and the subject of debate among the tukuoro. However there are a few that all acknowledge as great spirits, these are Na'Rua, Na'anu'ko, the three Toru Jenu'ata, Ila'Kana, and Ila'Makau.

  Connection with the Ancestors

The koroua all have their own personalities and every hakanu, particularly among the Talani'i, are taught about these personalities and what to do and say to appease the great ancestors. However the koroua, so long separated from the mortal world and the facts of mortal existence, must also be continually reminded and connected with their mortal ancestors.

  Duties of the Tukuoro

It is the responsibility of the tukuoro to help the koroua retain a sense of what it means to be a living hakanu by speaking to them and involving them in the lives of the people so that they will help the people in their need and at the same time, help make this first task easier by accurately interpreting the moods and desires of the koroua and communicating them to their people.


Over time, the eldest koroua became associated with aspects of life or nature in the minds of the people and through these beliefs, gained power over those aspects, but only through the wills of the living. This kind of magic is known as mana'aki and is practiced primarily by the tukuoro, but every hakanu who maintains a strong connection to their familial ancestors can receive minor aid from those ancestors in great need.

  The Orthodoxy of Ila'Makau

Over the last couple of centuries among the Kahala'i, these traditional practices have been adapted to sole reverence of Ila'Makau, the World Shaper. After the holy war of the Purifying Fire unified the Kahala'i lands into the Kahala Empire, worship and reverence for all other koroua and familial ancestors was forbidden. Their existence is not denied, but they are considered either the servants or enemies of Ila'Makau.

Divine Classification
Elanic Spirit

Articles under Koroua


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