
The various Ejdehan Nations are proud and independent. They are loathe to give over power to any outsider, anyone outside of their own nation, be they ejdehan or otherwise. But in times of great need, in times of conflict, the nations will appoint an Inaschek to lead the combined nations in war. The Inaschek is the supreme war chief, given authority over the warriors sent from the various nations as well as the right to levy goods and services from the nations for a war effort. The position of inaschek is temporary and lasts only as long as there is need. The authority is taken back as it is given, by the combined votes of the councils of Kal and Bal. The last inaschek was the great Kurroschk, kikischek of Rrokresch Hills, who lead his people to victory during the War of Sovereignty.

Civic, Military, Commissioned
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