
The ettnir peoples of the northern Himlenbjerge Mountains of Heimval predominantly follow the telluran known to them as Kad. Kad is the spirit of the mountains and its foothills. The ettnir believe that Kad was their creator and shaped them from the mountains themselves.

They also believe that Kad gave the mountains to them as their birthright and responsibility. This belief has motivated them to fierce defense of their territories against any and all encroachment by the Jolnir, the Drakir tribes in the west or any others who would seek to travel or settle their mountains without permission.

The shamans of Kad advise strength and endurance as well as taking a long, multigenerational view on matters and not making rash decisions, especially about changing a course of action. Recently, with the arrival of Kalmasan prospectors as well as Kalmasan emissaries seeking to form alliances, these swift changes are posing a challenge to the slow paced, conservative cultures of the ettnir. Kad itself is a remote spirit and communicates very rarely with his shamans directly. However, his favor is shown by the shamans’ ability to summon the land spirits to serve their ends and those of the people.

Divine Classification
Telluric Spirit


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