
The drakir are an excultid race whose homelands are the hills and forests of northwestern Heimval. They are somewhat similar in appearance to the ejdehan across the Vrede Sea in Volenar. However they are wingless, tailless and larger, with both males and females seven to eight feet in height, and much more powerfully muscled with dense bones like the ettnir.


They have a single pair of keratoplex limbs, which spring from their upper back, which are short and end in hooks and are used in climbing the massive, towering tarne trees of the northwest and rocky cliffs. They have long, muscular arms, ending in thick, sharp clawed hands. Their clawed feet also have sharp spurs in the back which also assist in climbing as well as ritualized battles among the males. Their coats are thin, long, hair-like feathers, glossy black with a blue iridescent sheen. They have lines of short horns that run along either side of the top of their skulls. They possess short, broad beaks with a pronounced hook. The reflective tapetum layer of their eyes shine red in the night, giving them a somewhat demonic appearance.


Drakir live in broods similar to the ejdehan, however these broods are not as coordinated as those of their western cousins. They are egalitarian, with no real leaders, tending to naturally follow those who excel in the particular group activities, be they hunting, fishing, crafting or building. They live in different structures depending on their local environment. Those in the east, where the largest tarne grow, construct sturdy tree huts of woven bows on large limbs near the trunk. These huts are connected by rope or woven bridges. Other drakir broods on the coast make their homes high in the caves of seaside cliffs, improving them with woven bows and connecting them with rope bridges.


Drakir are not naturally warlike, and though clans will occasionally feud, these are usually settled through talk and compromise or ritualized battles when there is perceived insult or wrong done. However, since the invasion of the Brynir and continued hostilities with settlers and prospectors, they have become more warlike and distrustful of humans, especially Jolnir.


They are generally physically stronger than the Jolnir, but less numerous and fight through ambush with spear throwers, rocks, axes and lances. Like the ejdehan, they are highly adapted to their native environment and thus have little need for clothing, dressing in loose breeches or skirts decorated with clan pictograms.


Through the tutelage of ejdehan visitors, some clans have begun to learn of the mineral wealth in their lands and mines have been begun with arrangements with and investment from Volenaran merchants. However, many traditionally minded drakir shun this practice, believing it is against the teachings of their gods and ancestors.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Becco occidentis uncus
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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