
In the cold highlands of northern Heimval live an ancient race of excultids who have been the enemies of the Jolnir from the times of the oldest sagas. The ettnir average eight feet in height with long arms and muscular build. They are covered in a dense double layer of spiny feathers, usually dull grayish-green in color, making them very difficult to pick out in their mountainous habitat.


Their heads are disproportionately large, with a very large, short beak that’s bridge makes an unbroken curve with the slope of the cranium. The top of their heads, down to their upper backs are covered in short, thick scale ridges that protrude from their feathers.


The jaws of an ettnir are very large and muscular and their mouths are filled with sharp, black teeth. Their bones are also black, dense and very difficult to break. Anatomists have discovered that their bone contain a very high iron content, biomineralized throughout the structure of the collagen. Their hands and feet have short, thick black claws of similar structure.


The ettnir live in clans headed by a male chieftain and his mate. Their shamans are usually servants of the telluric spirit of the Himlenbjerge Mountains, known as Kad. Kad grants his favor by allowing ettnir shamans to call on mountain spirits to do their bidding.


Male and female ettnir are of equal size and strength. Skurn dress lightly, usually nothing more than a hide cloak and loincloth with a belt of sinew. They normally live in mountain caves, improved with hide walls and stacked stone to create more interior space and protection from the elements. Ettnir live by hunting and gathering. They hunt the wild animals of the alpine hills as well as smaller prey and forage wild herbs, roots and berries when in season.


Until recent history, the ettnir have had little contact with other races aside from their ancient raids and battles with the Jolnir, particularly the Vandir and Ostir. However, that has changed with the arrival of foreign prospectors hunting for valuable metals and gems in their mountain territories. These prospectors did not treat the ettnir as monsters as the Jolnir, and made offerings of gifts to their leaders for territorial access.


In the foothills, they have come across large amounts of iron, tin and gold and have pushed their way into the mountains to discover their source. From these few intrepid entrepreneurs, the ettnir have obtained metal weapons and tools. They now hunger for iron tools, as well as jewelry and colored woven cloth.


In battle, ettnir traditionally wield clubs made from the iron bones of their ancestors, and stone-tipped spears, axes and knives, though chieftains and their lieutenants may have metal weapons and even pieces of armor.Their ranged weapons consist of thrown stones, slings and stone bolos. They use primitive, but effective small group tactics, such as ganging up on more dangerous foes and using cover to avoid ranged attacks, in addition to heavy use of ambush tactics.


All the stories of the Jolnir about their ancient foes are grim tales of horror as the prey of the iron toothed monsters or of triumph as they banished the ettnir from Jolnir claimed lands. But now, as explorers began to learn the ettnir tongue, they hear another side, of strange interlopers from some forgotten hell to the west, with strange powers and no respect for the sanctity of the land spirits who worship fell beings.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Becco Mons
Geographic Distribution


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