
M'hur is the great spirit of Barendar, home of the dhun. M'hur and its will are the guide for most of the Dhun. The Grru'hrem M'hur are in communion with M'hur, relating its will to the Dhun. The Dholm guardians of the dhun enforce this will.


Like all Telluri, M'hur is normally unconcerned with the doings of the sapient beings in its midst, until they do something to cause serious harm to it, through the interwoven web of the ecosystems, biotic and abiotic, that make up its being. Cutting a single tree down or killing for food is unnoticed, less than a gnat sting, but clear cutting hectares of land or fouling a great river is a scaborous disease that must be purged.


In this, the dhun have become over time, M'hur's immune system, detecting, diverting or destroying threats to its health and thus the health that all that which makes it.

Divine Classification
Telluric Spirit


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