
Most people's impression of the Jolnir as wild barbarians come from tales from the experiences of Kalmasan soldiers who fought battles with the clans of Ostland. The Ostir live in largely independent clan holds led by a theotan that coordinate on issues of common importance, such as foreign invasion. Aside from this, they are fiercely independent and raid each other nearly as often as they do those to the south.


The Ostir live along Heimval's eastern seaboard and on the large island of Rostungur separated from northeastern Heimval by the Ferlig Channel. They make their living from fishing, farming, and herding as well as hunting rostung and hval. There are hundreds of clans and the Kalmasan Samraj has found it very difficult to subdue them, due to their fierceness, complete unwillingness to submit, but also due to an inability to make agreements that would cover more than a single clan. Aside from being superb sailors, the Saedir priestesses of the coastal clans are masters at manipulating water, winds and mists.


Their oldest enemy, if not their greatest in the current age, are the ettnir that inhabit the Himlenbjerge Mountains to the north. Ostland is believed to be the oldest continuously settled human land in all of Heimval and probably all of Torvalen. Their folk tales are rich with echoes of a harsh, harrowing path, struggling largely against native monsters.

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