
The rostung is an aquatic keratoplexan that lives in the northern seas of Torvalen near the coasts of Barendar, Heimval and Volenar. Rostung are smooth skinned with an adult length of seven to ten feet depending on the particular species. They have four flippers and a powerful, vertically flattened tail as long as their torsos. Their heads are streamlined with large mouths filled with sharp, black, conical teeth. Most species are black, gray or blue-gray dorsally and white or cream colored ventrally. They breath through nostrils located on top of their heads above and slightly in front of their eyes.


Most rostung live and hunt in pods of fifteen to twenty adults and half again that number of young and juveniles. They hunt fish, smaller aquatic keratinids, crustaceans and have been reported to hunt lone ulan and achamatl on occasion. They are traditionally hunted by Jolnir fishermen all along the coast of Heimval, as well as by coastal drakir bands.


Rostung are intelligent animals who are known to vocalize with hums, booms and clicks. Their hunting tactics involve ambush or herding strategies, depending on the prey and circumstances. They give birth to live young in shallow waters near the coasts during the whelping season in early spring, guarded by the rostung bulls and older females who arrange themselves in perimeter patrols around the expectant mothers. The young rostung are fed by all in the pod who regurgitate liguro and food from their crops into their mouths when the young beg.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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