
Ostland, in the northeastern region of Heimval, is a land of striking mountains, green hills, mist and rough seas. Named after the Ostir tribe who inhabit it, it is bordered on the north by the eastern end of the Himlenbjerge Mountains range and on the east by the Atyanta Ocean. It lies north of the Kalmasan province of Rotskjoldland and east of the vast plains and tundra of the Yfirlande. The large island of Rostungur lies a mere ten miles off the coast, separated by the Ferlig Channel.


The highlands of northern Ostland are hilly to mountainous. The Ostir in these regions are herdsmen of domesticated dadyr and lanti. In the extreme north live bands of ettnir which have raided the herds of the northern clans for time immemorial. The south has marginally better soil and climate and farming is more extensive. The coastal waters are rich in fish and the great hval as well as the smaller, yet still formidable, semi-aquatic rostung, for which the island of Rostungur is named. Braving these rough waters have made the seafaring Ostir some of the finest sailors of all Torvalen.


The territories of the Ostir are a patchwork of petty kingdoms and clanholds. The riks and theotans that rule the various clans throughout the region value their independence from overlords. Some attribute their continued independence to this fierce independence and rugged nature. Other more dismissive folk to the south say it is simply that their harsh, rocky lands are not not worth the effort.

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