Pearl Fortress

A few miles off the eastern coasts of the Wewari Keys is the great ulan commune, Pearl Fortress. Although not the oldest commune, Pearl Fortress is the largest in @Torvalen. It is believed to be established over two millenia ago in the coral reefs of that region.


Pearl Fortress is named for the qualities of its structures. They are grown from special coral modified long ago by the commune's founding ama. These coral are fast growing, with a light blue color and the surface of the corals are covered in a protective layer of nacre that gives the structures a pearlescent sheen. The largest structure, a great mountain of coral, is the Pearl Fortress. Most of the ulan of the commune reside in the thousands of rooms connected by corridors within the structure. It is also the dwelling place of Pearl Fortress's ama, Laughter-of-the-Storm-Waves.


Through the decisions of Laughter, Pearl Fortress has gone from one of the most reserved and secluded of the communes with respect to surface peoples, to one of the most open. In her nearly two centuries of governance, Pearl Fortress has established regular communication through emissaries with the Talani'i communities of the keys to the south and the mainland of southern Okaluan, as well as the coastal dwelling varhani tribes of western Kemesh.


Visitors are regularly permitted to the commune and trade networks have been established, but since Pearl Fortress, like all communes, is completely self sufficient in the needs of life, these trades mainly consist of trinkets and artwork as well as literature. Since the establishment of the Kalmasan trading post Pashima on the Aloari key, relations have also been established with the distant Kalmasan Samraj as well.

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