Mo’e Sea

The Mo'e Sea is a small sea formed by the southern and eastern coasts of the Wewari Peninsula and Wewari Keys of Okaluan and the northwestern coast of the Nukuroa region of Kemesh. The sea is shallow and filled with coral reefs abundant in life.


Its shallow, reef filled waters make it hazardous to large, deep drafted vessels and the navigators capable of keeping these ships from grounding and wrecking are few. Traditionally, only the Talani'i hakanu and Chir'kualu varhani sea nomads have sailed these waters in their shallow drafted catamarans, outrigger canoes and barges, all safe from the reefs. But the last century has seen greatly increased traffic from foreign lands, such as ships of trade and exploration from Kalmasa and Volenar and more recently war and colony supply ships from the Kahala Empire, traveling to the empire's growing colonial footholds in Nukuroa.


The Mo'e Sea is also the home of the Pearl Fortress commune. Its ama, Laughter, watches the growing movement and conflict in her region with growing interest and concern, but for now has confined her people's interference to rescuing shipwrecked travelers when they can, regardless of their species or origin.

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