
Utanar is the large continent from which the Eshtem and Ranjari peoples fled during the Great Exodus. From the maps and histories recorded in the great library of Alesh, Utanar is a vast land dominated by rolling plains and deserts in the south and west, vast tundra in the north and mountainous forests in the east with tropical forests in the extreme southeast. To the south of Utanar is the similarly large continent of Xusmalat, connected to Utanar by a narrow, mountainous isthmus in the far east.


The middle part of the country had for centuries been ruled by a collection of small kingdoms that acted as a bulwark between the wild nomads of the north and the wealthy city-states strung like jewels of civilization along the coasts of the southwestern Prayava Peninsula, who profited from trade in exotic goods with the northern kingdoms of Xusmalat across the Mahasam Sea.


Greatest of these was the cosmopolitan city-state of Eshkar that controlled the much of the mainland and islands of the peninsula and was the defacto head of the loose league of southern city-states. In the end, it was one of the few regions of Utanar left that had not succumbed to the Sorcerer-King and conquerer, Jalandhara, primarily due to the efforts of the Eshkari merchant prince and scholar Gheran bas Arbiram.


The current condition of Utanar is unknown. The observations of the refugees as they fled over the sea speak of earthquakes and tsunamis engulfing their city.

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