
Vesterborg is the capital city and largest port of Brynheim on the western coast of Heimval. It lies is on the southwestern coast of the Gulf of Thangeir on the Vrede Sea. Since the War of Sovereignty, Vesterborg has grown tremendously in size and importance in Torvalen, capitalizing on the war by deciding to aid the Volenaran rebels against Kalmasa. They traded with Volenar, providing them expertly crafted and desperately needed ships while their own naval forces attacked the merchant shipping of Kalmasa.

On the surface, Vesterborg appears to be a fairly cosmopolitan city, with all the entertainments to be found in most large cities of Torvalen, but scratch the surface and one finds the deeply held traditionalism of much of its majority Brynisk population. Foreigners quickly learn to understand just which districts to stay in while in port.

Out of the city flows the vast timber and mineral wealth of Brynheim, as well as its expertly crafted ships. As a major trading hub, anything can be found in Vesterborg for a price.

King Valkut Flint-Eye has used some of Brynheim's new-found wealth to found a university in Vesterborg, inviting foreign scholars from all over Torvalen to teach his people. This university includes a college of high semiotics as well. These as well as other changes have caused grumblings among Brynheim's traditionalists, but this is subdued, due to Valkut's overwhelming popularity among the general public.

Currently, Vesterborg's population is primarily Brynisk, followed by other Jolnir ethnicities. There are also many Volenarans of Eshtem and Calmaxtec heritage. Excultids are rare in Vesterborg, especially since Beccans such as drakir and ejdehan are forbidden. However there can be found a certain number of Varhani, who are mainly sailors on Kemeshi vessels in port for a short while. There are also some hakanu scholars that visit the university. Ulan are rare but are highly respected visitors since no seafaring nation with any sense would bring insult or harm to one of the representatives of the aquatic communes.

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