Valkut Flint-Eye

Valkut Flint-Eye is the current rik of Brynheim. He is a very tall man, especially for a Brynir, standing 7 feet with the dark brown hair and ice blue eyes common of his folk. Before rising to ruler, Valkut was a master shipbuilder in the capital city of Vesterborg.


Rik Valkut became rich selling vessels to the prosperous Kalmasan colonies in Volenar to the west. With this wealth he bought himself land and lordship in the north, wresting disputed land away from the southern drakir tribes with his own private force. As a theotan he was the loudest voice calling for support of the rebels fighting for independence from the Kalmasan Samraj. Defying the neutrality demanded by then Rik Lekki, he built battleships for Volenar, inspired by designs of the Eshtem, but with improvements of his own devising, selling them at cost.


After victory had become clear, many of Brynheim's theotans were calling for a moot to raise a new rik, since Lekki had proven so ineffectual and was no friend of the newly independent power to the west. Valkut was elected by unanimous decision. Lekki left Brynheim for the samraji court in Solkar, where he had many connections.


Under Valkut's rule, Brynheim has become more prosperous than every before. He is a keen businessman and statesman who does nothing impulsively. The only real problem the country faces under his rule is increasing hostilities with the drakir. He is determined to bring all of the nothern forests under his domain, but frustrating this effort is the aid of the ejdehan for their Heimval cousin species. The ejdehan speak out for the rights of the drakir tribes in Volenar and are known to be giving them material aid and teaching them to mine and work metal, although as of yet, no ejdehan has been seen to go so far as fight along side of them.


For these acts, Valkut has declared ejdehan forbidden in Brynheim, something that has soured an otherwise fruitful alliance with the Volenaran League.

Ice Blue
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7 feet
Ruled Locations


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