
The Rikja of Brynheim lies in the north-west of Heimval bordered on the north by the Himlenbjerge Mountains and on the east by the Rygbjerge Moutains. It’s north is heavily forested and hilly with the land becoming gently rolling, lightly forested hills to the west and south. Very little of Brynheim is flat except on the southern border. The people of Brynheim are mostly of the Brynir, a Jolnir tribe from the Grunmark peninsula who were driven out of their ancestral lands by a clan of the Thalkunir under the leadership of the ruthless Fridhov Bludhand who conquered Grunmark, forced the remaining native theotans to bend the knee and established the kingdom of Fridhovsland.


The Brynir carved a kingdom out of the wild woods and hills of the northwest with much difficulty. In addition to the difficulty of the land itself, they had to fight the predators that make those forests home and the native Drakir. The Brynir fought many bloody battles with drakir tribes before succeeding in taking over the coasts and hills and driving them further into the northern and western mountains. The Brynir continue to push north, looking for more land and they and the drakir remain implacable enemies. For this reason, Ejdehan are not allowed in Brynheim since they are viewed as the same sort of creature.


The Brynir see ejdehan as monsters and devils like the drakir and ettnir. Those who work on trade ships from Volenar must stay on their vessels when in port. Those ejdehan who have learned of the drakir's situation are angered by their plight, seeing it as a fate they might have suffered had matters gone differently in their own land. Some have ventured in secret into the lands of the drakir and have began teaching them about the wider world and introducing them to technologies such as metallurgy and smithing and supplying them with weapons and tools. Knowledge of this activity has reached Rik Valkut in the capital city of Vesterborg, who has declared that any ejdehan caught on Brynheim soil would be captured, beheaded and have their head mounted in his hall. Ten already hold a place there.


This has caused diplomatic problems with Volenar who are feeling pressure from the Ejdehan Nations and ejdehan citizens of the League to better protect their brethren. The cantons of Volenar trade extensively with Brynheim, which was a close ally of Volenar during the War of Sovereignty, and built many of its warships. Volenaran traders and human politicians are squeezed between the will of the ejdehan and that of Brynheim.

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