
The Yngir are the people of Yngheim in the northeast of Barendar descended from a Skjoldir island tribe of southeastern Heimval, the Veifskjoldir. The Yngir have a culture that prizes peace and order, fighting only for defense. Their name means "the peaceful people" and they took this name after their tribal founder, Ivar Sletvaten, received a vision from the gottyan Thera, showing him a new way of life.


Ivar began a cult of Thera, starkly different from her traditional worship, that promoted peace, industriousness and cooperation. He was charismatic and highly born member of the Veifskjold clan and soon had a very large following. When Magni af Rotskjold and his hordes of Rotskjoldir threatened the island of the Veifskjoldir, he rejected the calls to fight and resist and made the decision to leave with his followers and create a new home in Barendar where they established the country of Yngheim.


The Yngir are an industrious, sincere people, cautious among strangers but helpful to those in need. The Yngir have established themselves as a prosperous trading people, known for their fair dealing and powerful navy. It is their firm policy to stay out of all conflicts between other nations and seek to solve any conflict they have with other nations or groups peacefully through diplomacy and trade.


The success of this approach was evident during the negotiations with the dhun to harvest trees in exchange for planting a new one for each lost. They agreed to this despite the lack of dhun presence in most of their territory. This is in stark contrast to the small Kalmasan colony of Marekar to the north, who hold on to a bare sliver of land and who must remain constantly vigilant against dhun attacks and infiltration.


During the Northern Wars as well as the War of Sovereignty, emissaries from both sides courted their alliance, which they rejected, though they continued to trade with all. They were also preyed upon by privateers that attacked and captured Yngir vessels. These privateers were discovered, their ships burned to the waterline and the surviving privateers set on a beach with provisions and a stern warning not to interfere with Yngheim again.

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