The Pearl Market

Every full moon, a strange market pops up near the ruins of a long forgotten city. Ancient artifacts and enchanted trinkets are sold all in exchange for pearls, and all other types of currency are rejected. The stalls are decorated with ribbons and silk and lace, and lanterns made from mother of pearl line the walkways. Welcome to the Pearl Market.
The Peonies of the Princess

At the heart of the kingdom, in the only remaining tower of the crumbling castle, lies the unrotting corpse of its princess. Peonies grow and blossom from her body, and no other flower grows in that room. Those who taste the nectar of the peonies share the princess' memories, heartache and eventually death.
Star Duck Charms

The star duck charm brings luck and protection to those who keep it with them. However this good fortune comes at a price, and that price is being followed around by a waddling of ducks. These ducks are functionally immortal. They do not age, and will accompany the charm bearer for as long as they hold the charm.
Ghost Coral

These ancient relics harken back to a time when the merfolk had kingdoms, with great castles made of living coral. These castles were once covered in many different vibrant colors, but now the only pieces of them left are a ghostly white.The mist released from ghost corals induces numbness, and if it is inhaled in large amounts, it will cause dreamless sleep.
The Blessed Bells of Bellerind

Bellerind is known for the enchanted bells that protect the city. They ring from the giant belltowers that line its walls. While you cannot buy these bells at the Pearl Market, you can buy small replicas that grant a small amount of protection. While these bells are not as powerful as the ones found in Bellerind, they are still useful to bring with you in your travels.
Mourning Pearls

Often carried by Merfolk, mourning pearls echo the haunting songs that the merfolk sing. These thing are valued for the haunting music they play as well as their aesthetic beauty. If one of these pearls is damaged, then its music will become out of tune. These pearls are used in a variety of things such as jewelry or music boxes.
The Ophanim
Ophanim is the name of a brass ring lined with tiny glass eyes. Although the Ophanim cannot speak, it can communicate with the mind of its wearer. The way it communicates is through a series of fragmented emotions, imagery and words. It does not seem to have any desire outside of being worn by a person.
Blue Star Charm
The blue star charm was commonly used in Somnus, to dispel enchantments and illusions. It also weakens all magic and dreamcasting within the vicinity, including that of the holder. These charms are typically stored in boxes made from the same material that negate the effects of the charm.
Glass Butterflies
Somewhere in Reverie an artisan spends day and night creating delicate glasswork butterflies. Even though butterflies have no magic, people still travel to the market to have a glimpse of these butterflies. The exquisite craftsmanship and delicate beauty of these butterflies have a magic of their own.
Sweet Dreams Charm
The Sweet Dreams Charm allows the wearer to have pleasant dreams whenever they sleep. The charm, when activated, emits a sweet lavender scent. Because the charm is simple to make, it is relatively common, being sold to humans who visit the Pearl Market. Charms that affect a person's dreams affect a person's magic as it is tied to a person's dreams.
Whispering Dandelions
Whispering Dandelions grow in graveyards and around the bodies of the recently deceased. The flowers make sounds that mimic the corpses they grow from. These flowers are often destroyed as they often cause much distress to the family of the deceased, but they always grow back in a matter of days.
The Still Beating Heart
At the edge Flower Kingdom, lies the corpse of a knight who carved her heart out. Peonies fill the empty cavitiy where her heart once beat. No other flowers grow, for they not dare stand between the knight and her lover. Her love was a love that could withstand the tests of time. Although she is long dead, her heart still beats for the princess
Merunian Sun Charm
The Merunian Sun Charm, is a charm used by children in Meriun. They emit a soft warm light that comforts those around them. The charm is in the shape of a sun, with its rays being made of copper, while the sun itself is made from opal or mother of pearl. Smiling facesare often painted on the charm to appeal to children.
Monstera Teapot
The Monstera Teapot is a teapot that produces monstrous monstera plants. These plants grow at a rapid rate.They are also highly aggressive, wrapping around and strangling any living things that come to close. If the manage to successfully kill a creature, they drag its body back to the teapot. It is believed that the corpse is then digested.
The Seraphim
The Seraphim is an enchanted ring found in the Pearl Market. It allows the user to summon wings of blue fire, that allow them to travel swiftly. These wings may also be used in combat, lashing out and burning any opponents that get too close.
Wisdom Teeth
Hidden away in Reverie is a secret garden where the plants bare strange fruit. In the center of the garden is a tree that produces a single fruit every year. The fruit comes in the shape of a human tooth. It is said that those who manage to find the garden, and swallow this tooth are granted whatever wisdom and knowledge they desire.
Magical trinkets and flowers are some of the most common things sold in the Pearl Market.
Most vendors within the Pearl Market are various kinds of fey. They sell various things from potion ingredients to ancient relics to enchanted weapons. Although the Pearl Market always pops up on a full moon near a ruined city, the ruined city in question changes from time to time. The market is up from sunset to sunrise, and it fully disappears once the sun has fully risen.   The shops at the Pearl Market only accept pearls in currency. Those who attempt to use other currencies are expelled from the market. Some people have attempted to scam shops in the market by using fake pearls, and those people are now dead.   If you do not have any pearls to spend, you are able to take out a loan that must be paid by the next full moon. Those who fail to repay their debt must work at the Pearl Market until it is fully repayed.
Pearls act as the currency of the Pearl Market. The market will accept any kind of pearl as currency, as long as it is real.The value a pearl represents stays the same no matter the size, shape or color. However, pearls that are broken apart lose all value as currency. Most items sold in the market can be bought for with a single pearl.


Author's Notes

This acts as a compilation of stuff for the cabinet of curiosities, I'll add stuff to this as I write the separate articles. <3

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