
Watch the mountain tops.
Lenos' gifts to those aware.
Beautiful skies.

Stars that shift at night.
Still, until they step and strike.
Dancing in moonlight.

Morning gives us hope.
Healing and washing us all.
Rays of brilliance fall.

Scorn by those of skin.
Our kin rooted, tradition.
Light and shadow, same.

The Great Truth of Ayashou


The Many Gifts of the Great Beyond

Ayashou is rooted deep in the traditions of spiritualism. It is believed that Lenos, The Great Beyond saw the races created by the other titans scratching and tearing at the land while ignoring its titanic brothers and sisters during the Age of Adaptation. This concerned Lenos, as it saw the creatures that hid from these races in the mountains living together in harmony. Even those that should be enemies worked together to survive the harsh climates toward the tops of the mountains. Inspired by their willingness to work together, Lenos plucked creatures out of the mountains and bestowed upon them his gifts.

  It was at this time that the Rakin, Kenku, Leonin, Aarakocra, and Tabaxi were created.

  Each of these races were tasked with a job inspired by the beauties of their original forms.

  • The Rakin were tasked with playing with all of the races and bringing joy to them through mischief.
  • The Kenku were tasked with listening to those around them and sharing their stories with the world.
  • The Leonin were tasked with protecting the mountains and building proud monuments within them.
  • The Aarakocra were tasked with watching over the lands from above to make sure it was treated well.
  • The Tabaxi were tasked with sharing the beauties of Ayashou with the rest of the world, and so they were given the gift of haste.


The Great Deception

As the races set out to build a nation, share their stories, and mingle with the other races, they were treated as horrific enemies. For many years they were labeled as "Beastfolk" or "Beastkin" and were attacked on sight by all of the hairless and featherless races. Those that found them to be the most repulsive were the Ziarian Tribes. As wanderers from Ayashou reached out to the world, they were sent away battered and scarred.

  For hundreds of years, the Ayashoun lived in moderate isolation. Tending to the mountain lands and keeping to themselves. During this time of isolation, they developed many great works of art, traditions that they pass down through generations, and martial techniques that protected them from the dangers of the mountains and the greater dangers of the other races.

  In the 523rd year of the Age of Tyranny, the Ayashoun people fell against the onslaught of the skittering legion. Many Ayashoun were captured, others were infected with the budding blood, and even more yet were killed. The Red King had finally shown its face to the Ayashoun people, and they would never forget it. To this day, they still revere an astrological anomaly known as "The Great Red Dot" as a reminder that the Red King could return.

  After the occupation of all lands, as the Age of Tyranny came to a close, the people of Ayashou fell into their traditions for comfort and solace against the burden of rebuilding a nation. However, not all of the Ayashoun believed that Lenos was going to protect them as they had believed before. So from this dissension, two factions arose. Each faction believing that their traditions needed to change in this new era.

  The House of Light, originally the leonin Lightmane pride with supporters, rallied the people under the belief that each day brings with it another opportunity. An opportunity to live, to thrive, to learn, to grow, and to find peace with the other races. They believed that the others needed time and kindness to see the beauty of the Ayashoun people. Their political expertise created friendships and allies that the Ayashoun Diarchy still has to this day.

  The House of Shadows, originally the kenku Kokikyrri clan, gathered together with the others that believed that night presents the most opportunity to influence those that wish to cast the Ayashoun people aside. They found opportunities in information, infiltration, deception, and security. Night provided to them many things that helped them prevent invasions and incursions.

  The two houses clashed for many years, until they finally decided that they were both needed to find harmony with the other nations around them. As the houses began working together, they found many different people coming to Ayashou searching for wisdom, peace, and training. This led to a golden age for the Ayashoun Diarchy. This golden age continued for quite some time, deemed the Age of Eternity by Ayashoun scholars.

  The Age of Eternity is know mourned with great respect by the Ayashoun people as it signifies the possible prosperity of Ayashou when allowed to live in harmony. The age ended when the alliances between Drakkengurt and Stotfield were betrayed in a neutral meeting in the Celestial Palace. In an attempt to bring together both of their allies, Stotfield and Drakkengurt, the lives of both of the house leaders were taken in an unexpected skirmish. Arikrosia Silverpaw and Yikoo Kykori both died at the hands of soldiers from both of the nations in the presence of Lenos.

  The nation of Ayashou still stands today scarred by this betrayal. When asked about either of their neighboring nations, most Ayashoun will respond very simply.


"Some wounds never heal."


Choose 2: Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Clan Duality
Choose one of the options below.   House of Light
  • You gain proficiency in the insight skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When engaging in diplomacy with another faction or organization, you may choose to nullify one failed skill check that would decrease yours, your party's, or your organization's standing with the subject of your diplomacy.
House of Shadows
  • You gain proficiency in the deception skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When attempting to infiltrate a faction or organization's settlement, you may retreat without leaving a trace on a failure at the cost of 5% of your current wealth or 5gp (whichever is higher).


  • Meowya
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Benjamin Voros


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