
Table of Contents

2024 - Feeling Shellfish

This page was written a few months after the end of the event as a more overview-style summary. The original articles were hosted on wow that's a lot of stars and have been moved here as sub-articles. I haven't updated their formatting, so some parts of those sub-articles may look strange.   Skip to my articles or keep reading for goals and stats.


I learned from my prior mistakes and only worked on what sparked joy, and I'm much happier with my eight than I was with my 32 from last year. I was enthusiastic about the topics, and the articles are already complete rather than remaining on my to-do list. Despite all that, I still had the most fun when I broke Summer Camp rules.  
Trying to make Summer Camp prompts fit my writing goals for talos can make the event more stressful and frustrating. But old articles that fit the new prompts already check both boxes, and updating them ended up more fun than forcing prompts to my will.
With how much I've developed talos, it's harder and slower to create new articles that fit within what's established. I enjoyed myself much more when playing with a new and unestablished project, including writing multiple articles per prompt.
  I spent at least as much time and energy on ineligible articles as I did for the eight I submitted, but had more fun with the ones that didn't qualify. It's an interesting lesson to learn from this, and I'm not yet sure how I'll apply it next year.  


Plan Less
If prompts don't match my plans per theme, it becomes harder for me to adapt to them. Less planning means more freedom.
Have Fun
Though I enjoyed my writing process, I often felt like I was a round peg trying to force myself to fit inside a square hole.
Write Good
I'm happy with everything I wrote and updated. Two of my eight also made their shortlists, which is a nice confidence boost.

Article Overview

This overview only covers the eight articles I submitted to the event - not the extras or updates.  


Here be numbers!
ThemeWords (WA/Real)ArticlesAverage (WA/Real)
Change2,235 / 1,8193745 / 606
Refuge3,045 / 2,40031,015 / 800
Belief929 / 6931929 / 693
Decay762 / 6361762 / 636
Totals6,972 / 5,5488871 / 693


Most meaningful
Least meaningful
Fan favorite
Rin favorite
Prompt shortlist
Metadimensional Space


6,972 words

Camp Chill

Summer Camp Camp Chill Badge
Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines
  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

  Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.
  If you'd like to repost this badge, use [imgblock:4574878] to include the guidelines or [img:4574878] for only the badge. Amy Winters-Voss made a block version you can use by adding [block:1050823] to your article.

Article List

I had three different types of article this Summer Camp: New ones that were submitted, extras I didn't submit, and old ones I updated. There's in the table below along with my usual rating system along two axes:
  • Impact is how large of an area the article topic affects.
  • Relevancy is how much the article topic affects stories in this setting.
Expand to see a table of all articles and a Roll button to open a random one in a new tab.  

Articles under 2024 - Feeling Shellfish


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