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Lifejammers are an expansion bay that is an addon to a standard Spelljamming Helm. They consume the life force of their often unwilling living subjects for motive power. The fact that the Arcane sell them causes never ending debate and consternation from the more good aligned ancestries as their victims experience excruciating pain. They're holding cells are often shaped as boxes or coffins, though the really sadistic who like to see their victims in the contraption will commission them in the form of chairs or glass containers. Most can handle up to eight Medium or smaller creature or up to four Large creatures. The cost of the device usually includes Manacles and Locks. Upgraded manacles/locks and other design considerations are costed out at commission.


Lifejammers need to be attached to a Helms, Gnomish Helm, or a Series Helm
Once attached to a Helm and "loaded" the pilot has full control of what happens to their charge. Only living, sentient creatures can be loaded into a Lifejammer.
Pilot Actions
  • A pilot can use the Change Perspective action to perceive their fuel source as if they have a 4th rank Status spell active on them.
  • A pilot can Feed the Helm as normal or they can use the alternate activity Siphon Life. If the pilot uses Siphon Life instead of Feed the Helm, they choose how much life to siphon from their victims, up to the maximum of what the Lifejammer can pull or the helm can receive. A lifejammer cannot store life energy nor can it pull more than it can feed to the helm. This life force feeds the helm as it were a spell rank equal to it's value on a 1 rank per 1 life force basis. Only one victim can be drained for one action.
  • A ship that is equipped with a Lifejammer can be piloted by a non-caster. To do the Link to Helm Activity they need to make an Arcana or Occultism check with the DC of the Hulls pilot DC. Once linked they can take any action that a normal pilot can take.
  • When installed, the subject is under the same metabolic suspension as the pilot, which also suppresses any healing; natural or magical.
  • When subjected to the Siphon Life activity, the victim of a Lifejammer receives the Drained condition equal to the amount of life the Pilot chose to siphon, no Save. If the pilot uses the activity again before the victim is removed from the device, add the new amount to the current Drain value.
  • If the subject ever has a drained value = to their Con mod + their Level they die and are reduced to a fine powder just as if they were killed by a Disintegrate spell.
    • If the pilot stops before this point and removes the victim from the Lifejammer, the victim makes a flat check DC = 5+ the current Drained value for the same disintegrate effect.
  • There are no visible wounds on the Lifejammer's victim, they just look ashen and weak. If they survive the removal process they need to rest to recover from the Drained condition at a rate of 1 for every 24hrs of rest. No mundane or magical assistance will help, even fast healing or regeneration are not enough to repair the damage caused by a Lifejammer.
Lifejammer - Expansion Bay 4+

Lifejammer expansion bays are an addon to a standard Spelljamming Helm that consume the life force of it's often unwilling living subjects for motive power.
Each Life jammer can be built to restrain up to 4 Large, or 8 Medium or smaller creatures.
See Lifejammer for full rules on their operation.

Lesser Lifejammer - Lvl 4

BP - 3
This Lifejammer can pull up to 2 points of life for one action to provide a Maximum Speed Rating of 2.
Included in the cost are Average Manacles and Average Locks

Minor Lifejammer - Lvl 8

BP - 4
This Lifejammer can pull up to 3 points of life for one action to provide a Maximum Speed Rating of 3.
Included in the cost are Average Manacles and Good Locks

Major Lifejammer - Lvl 12

BP - 6
This Lifejammer can pull up to 4 points of life for one action to provide a Maximum Speed Rating of 4.
Included in the cost are Good Manacles and Good Locks

Superior Lifejammer - Lvl 16

BP - 8
This Lifejammer can pull up to 5 points of life for one action to provide a Maximum Speed Rating of 5.
Included in the cost are Good Manacles and Superior Locks
Siphon Life

Requirements Linked to Helm equipped with a Lifejammer,
A Sentient creature is loaded into the Lifejammer


Description You siphon off the life force of your victim, Choose a Drain level and siphon that level of Life off your victim, your Helm gains enough power to get to that Speed rating, up to a max of the lifejammer/helms rating.
Item type
Power Storage / Generator


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