Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse

The Imperium spans near countless worlds and this is just two small sectors within it's borders. To travel the warp lanes in these sectors is to take your life into your own hands for none escape the ever piercing watch of dark gods and worse. Planets and under siege, terrible secrets are kept on quarantined world and danger lurks around every corner. There is no peace amongst the stars only an eternity of slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods.
Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse cover
The Calixis Sector The Calixis Sector is a standard sector within the Imperium of Man, it is beset on all sides and from within. Xenos races threaten a scattering of worlds on a large scale but more consistently this sector falls prey to subtle intrigues and corruption from within. No planet, no matter how pristine it presents itself outwardly is without corruption in some form or another and many long dormant secrets are just beneath the surface waiting to bubble up and become a new heresy to combat.   The Koronus Expanse The Koronus Expanse is where 100's if not 1000's of rogue traders flock to find fortune and fame like flies on refuse. This is the bleeding edge of imperial space. This is the kind of place where old seafaring maps would simply read, "here be monsters". Unclassified planets are common, warp entities and the unknown are just facts of life. Life is more harsh here and less populated. Warships do not ply the trade lanes looking for enemies as they are busy simply guarding their own little pieces of civilization. Great fortunes can be found away from the bright lights of the Imperium but there are far worse things than death for those brave or foolish enough to try making a name for themselves.


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