Cinerus Maleficum Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Cinerus Maleficum

Cinerus Maleficum is the name for the systems clustered around the stellar nebula of Kain’s Abyss and the gravity storms of the God-Emperor’s Scourge. The systems around the Abyss tend to be relatively young and rich in material worth due to their proximity to this wondrous phenomena. The areas around the Scourge are periodically ravaged by their proximity to the massive gravity phenomenon. All systems in this region are viewed as profitable, but because of the intense difficulty in navigating to or from this system, any long-term endeavour is invariably crippled by the warp routes disappearing.


Kain's Abyss

  Kains Abyss is a massive solar nebula in the center of the Cinerus Maleficum. It is a scientific marvel, as researchers based on Dolorium study the ongoing formation of the Expanse. Due to the massive amounts of solar dust and particulate hyperspace travel through the area of Kains Abyss is impossible. Any attempt to jump to hyperspace with so much surrounding mass would be akin to jumping while in the gravity shadow of a planet.


God Emperor's Scourge

  The God Emperor’s Scourge is a massive rift between the fabric of reality and Hyperspace. It provides somewhat of a natural boarder between the region of the Foundling Worlds and that of the Cinerus Maleficum. While not technically a warp storm, the shifting gravity waves, and conflicting areas of reality make it virtually impossible for a ship to pass through the region in either normal or hyperspace, especially for any duration long enough to pass through.

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