Ikoma Yasushi

Yasushi is the youngest child of Ikoma Haineko and Doji Hitomu. When he was 6, he was kidnapped by rogues and cultists who wanted to use him against his mothers. He was held captive for several months before he was located, and while he was returned to their side mostly unharmed, it set in him a paranoia that everyone was out to get him.   Yasushi is most calm when he is indulging in the art of theatre. Despite his overwhelming fears, the Shosuro city of the Scorpion and its vast theatres hold endless delight for him.   While visiting Toshi Kaeru, he met Bayushi Enji, and the boy proceeded to begin hitting on him. Openly, like a Scorpion does. Yasushi suspected he was up to something, but the more strange happenings occurred around them, the less Yasushi thought it was Enji's doing. Even when they got kidnapped, it was together, not as separate people, and they escaped together, as well. Over the course of time, Yasushi even started to trust Enji, and as a gift to him, declared his love for him publicly, although whether that was true or just a stunt for publicity and status, Yasushi hasn't figured out yet.   the youngest child and a twin, Kaito Nozomi is the daughter of the Master of Void, Kaito Daichi, and Yasuki Chiare. She is spoiled and wants for nothing, and has recently become an adult. She, like her father, is in touch with the Void, and was tutored in the way of the Ishiken at the temple in her homeland, but she is far from as prodigious as her father was at her age.   She met Matsu Arakan at a small adventure that the both of them happened upon, but he, misreading some of her signals, took advantage of her body while holding her down. Nozomi was appalled at first, and flustered, and they parted ways. The more she thought about it, the more obsessed she became, before she eventually told her fathers that she wanted to marry him, and that they should arrange it. She was madly in love with him, she said, and so Chiare and Daichi did as they were asked.   Arakan's father Utaku Calus was against arranged marriages, and when he was asked, responded that it would be up to Arakan. Chiare and Daichi were a little more devious than he anticipated, and brought the question to his husband next, the Shogun, Matsu Kentaro. Kentaro agreed to the marriage, thinking it a good match, without consulting his husband. After all, Calus and Kentaro rarely spoke since Kentaro had made so many mistakes, and while he pined and had kept himself from doing anything stupid for a long while, he didn't like violating Calus' boundaries. They acted civil in court functions, and Kentaro never pushed.   Unfortunately, this put Kentaro in a dangerous position he didn't know about. When Nozomi, pleased, informed Arakan that he should be courting her, Arakan knew he had his dad in a trap. He met with Kentaro and told him his mistake, but agreed he'd be willing to go through with it--but his dad owed him a favor.   The favor he called in was allowing Tora to marry her lover, Shion.   His relationship with Nozomi is affectionate, but he tends to push her to do embarrassing things. Arakan is a big fan of toys--and he really likes making her wear them when she's out in public.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
