Matsu Arakan

Arakan was the second of five children that showed up on Utaku Calus doorstep as a result of Matsu Kentaro's infidelity. He doesn't remember his life before being a part of the family, but he remembers that he didn't start here. He also remembers the fights. While Arakan doesn't hate his father Kentaro, he resents him slightly for the way the family fractured around his choices. Arakan, after all, reasons that he, too, is a bit of a slut, but at least he knows when to be monogamous. He chooses a new girlfriend each court, and never dabbles with more than one--and he lets that one go before he moves on. That's reasonable.   Arakan is an exasperation for his sister Tora, and his youngest sister, Yuuko, thinks he's a disgrace. Neither of them quite understand his lifestyle, but they tolerate him for it.   One of his girlfriends, though, a Kaito Nozomi, ended up being a bit of a keeper accidentally, though. He misread her signs and got insistant, and they fucked. She didn't exactly tell him no, but seemed more than eager to run away afterward. He thought the fling was over, and was getting on with his life, when her fathers showed up on his family doorstep and asked his dad Calus if he would marry her.   Arakan was more surprised that it wasn't a demand; it seemed his little girlfriend hadn't gotten too mad, because he had a feeling that these two doting dads would have cooked him or unmade him if she had expressed that he did something he wasn't supposed to.   Arakan's father Utaku Calus was against arranged marriages, and when he was asked, responded that it would be up to Arakan. Chiare and Daichi were a little more devious than he anticipated, and brought the question to his husband next, the Shogun, Matsu Kentaro. Kentaro agreed to the marriage, thinking it a good match, without consulting his husband. After all, Calus and Kentaro rarely spoke since Kentaro had made so many mistakes, and while he pined and had kept himself from doing anything stupid for a long while, he didn't like violating Calus' boundaries. They acted civil in court functions, and Kentaro never pushed.   Unfortunately, this put Kentaro in a dangerous position he didn't know about. When Nozomi, pleased, informed Arakan that he should be courting her, Arakan knew he had his dad in a trap. He met with Kentaro and told him his mistake, but agreed he'd be willing to go through with it--but his dad owed him a favor.   The favor he called in was allowing Tora to marry her lover, Shion.   His relationship with Nozomi is affectionate, but he tends to push her to do embarrassing things. Arakan is a big fan of toys--and he really likes making her wear them when she's out in public.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bisexual Top
Parents (Adopting)