Yasuki Tomi

Tomi was the second born to Yasuki Mayuri and Matsumodo, but her mother died in the complications of having triplets, losing the third child as well after barely managing Nagisa and Tomi. The two of them were raised by their father, whose disposition only grew more bitter and wicked from the loss of his wife and the birthing of only two daughters and no sons. Both Tomi and Nagisa learned to defend one another, frequently pretending to be each other as they grew older to avoid their father's moodswings. If he was mad at one of them, they would just say they were the other, and it meant less problems.   As they came into their own, their father's affections grew dark, and his escalating sexual appetite settled on Nagisa, the elder of the two. It was probably chance more than an active choice, but Nagisa insisted that Tomi not protect her from this in the way they had before, and Tomi respected that wish. Tomi would not admit it, but she was too scared to take on that shield for her sister, anyway, and that fear boiled into rage. It took a year for Tomi to manage her plan well enough to get it done, and it was sloppily executed, at night while her father was drunk. The murder was too clean not to have come from within the household, so Tomi used a few men she knew hated her father to witness him having gotten into a fight with some Mantis sailors, and to place his body to be found in an alleyway.   Tomi's family temper cooled that day, quenched with the blood of her father on her knife, and she buried it in the blood of two samurai who were no more than a couple of thieves, just like she was. For two years after, she silenced anyone who dared to speak out against her sister, and her methods became less and less sloppy, until she was a flawless executioner of her tasks. She hates the idea of getting married and hates other people, but when her sister found someone she loved, Nagisa was prepared to kill anyone who dared stand in the way of that happiness. She has, too, and the product of Ide and Nagisa's relationship made her sister so happy that Tomi, too, could not help but be ecstatic. Reisuka was the embodiment of love in a family that didn't know they would ever figure out how to do it, and so Tomi is protective and doting, just like her sister, over her niece.



Tomi is good in the courts, but not like Nagisa is, and she's a fabulous liar--even moreso, perhaps, than Nagisa--but where Tomi shines is her physical prowess. With a will that is unshakeable and an ability to defend herself and strike others down that is unparalleled, she has fought off a sense of guilt and weakness. Nagisa is loyal to her family in a way that would make others uncomfortable; she is dangerous to those who are dangerous to them, and would, without question, tear the legs out from under even the Empire if it was to the goal of protecting her only loves. She is a capable leader and kind to her subordinates, and she commands loyalty for this reason. Since they are her arms to protect what she needs to protect, they, too, are precious.


Like Nagisa, Tomi is impatient and lacks empathy for those outside of the family. Unlike Nagisa, Tomi is cool headed and rational--dangerously so. She is driven to protect Nagisa and Reisuka in a way that sometimes makes her a danger to others nearby, and not always, but sometimes, can make her act outside of protocol to the detriment of even Nagisa's plans.


Family Ties

Tomi only acknowledges Nagisa and Reisuka as her family, but every person beneath her is herself. To be betrayed by a subordinate would be akin to stabbing herself in the leg, and as such, she'd take it very hard. Tomi's close knit relationship with her subordinates means that the personal guard of the Yasuki family feels like they are part of the family, because Nagisa trusts them entirely, as well. It leaves a dangerous blind spot that some might consider exploiting, but the consequences of this sort of betrayal are the kinds of things one whispers to children to keep them quiet, so the likelihood of it ever happening is quite low.

Social Aptitude

Tomi lacks any courtly etiquette, but Tomi can fake it better than anyone. A smooth liar, she can easily brush off mistakes as having a cold or being unwell. She generally does not have to sit herself in Nagisa's place for any official meetings, but when she does, she is often able to manage the situation just fine. When she's not pretending at her older sister's courtly behaviors, Nagisa is calm and straight to the point. She doesn't fool around and she's very crab-like in her affection and demeanor, being overly physical and more than a little rambunctious.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Aromantic, demisexual


Yasuki Tomi


Towards Yoritomo Vihaan

Yoritomo Vihaan


Towards Yasuki Tomi

Yoritomo Vihaan (spouse)
Sky blue
Straight black hair to her shoulderblades
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and ruddy from the sea