Yoritomo Vihaan

Vihaan is a giant of a man and a pirate of ill-repute. While well-loved by his clan, his infamy makes him quite hated amongst the rest of Rokugan. A brash and straightforward demeanor, along with a mix of Gaijin heritage and even stranger magics make the straight-laced Rokugani peoples distrust him immediately.  




Vihaan is generally good natured and kind. He's usually laid back and easy-going; he is a capable sailor, decent leader, and good friend. Loyal to a fault, once you have Vihaan's trust, it is all but impossible to lose. While he may seem rough and kind of selfish to the average observer, he would happily walk through a storm or face an army for those he cares about.  


Many think Vihaan is a bit greedy and rough around the edges--because he is. While usually good natured, when his temper does flare, you might as well be dealing with a storm rather than a man. He has bad habits of going places he shouldn't be, wanting things he shouldn't want, and attempting to seduce people he shouldn't seduce.  



Family Ties

He is a cousin of Yoritomo Raishin; his father was lost at sea a few years ago, and his mother and possibly some half siblings live somewhere within the Ivory Kingdoms. He and his father got along quite well, as well as he and Raishin, even if he sometimes frustrates his cousin to no end.  

Social Aptitude

Cocky and straight-forward, he likes people thinking that he is the brash, rude, crude pirate that he is. That way, they won't see the cunning schemes he has in his back pocket.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Yasuki Tomi


Towards Yoritomo Vihaan

Yoritomo Vihaan


Towards Yasuki Tomi

Yasuki Tomi (spouse)
sea green
Thick, black mop down to ears, kept under scarf
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, denoting Gaijin blood