Gorgon Wharf

The Port on Gorgon Bay

In the land where danger and adventure intertwine, lies the bustling coastal settlement of Gorgon Wharf. A haven for sailors, merchants, and those daring enough to venture beyond the safety of civilization, Gorgon Wharf stands as a beacon of opportunity amidst the perils of a fantastical world. As you approach the town, the sound of creaking ships and the salty scent of the sea greet you, drawing you closer to its enigmatic allure.   Gorgon Wharf, known for its eclectic architecture and vibrant districts, offers a unique blend of the mundane and the magical. From the hardworking dockworkers and skilled craftsmen to the ancient temple dedicated to Keraunee, the goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and marriage, the settlement's contrasting elements paint a picture of a thriving community in a world of wonder and danger.   Beyond the town's natural resources and thriving industries, Gorgon Wharf is a place where adventurers can forge their destinies. Here, daring souls may find themselves exploring ancient ruins, battling fierce predators, or navigating treacherous waters, all while unraveling the mysteries that lie hidden beneath the surface of this enchanting settlement.   So gather your party, pack your belongings, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey. In Gorgon Wharf, every twist and turn promises excitement, danger, and the chance to write your own epic tale.


Demographics of Gorgon Wharf

  Total Population: 4341
Primary Race: Human
General Attitude: Friendly and Indifferent
  • Children: 912
  • Adults: 2821
  • Elderly: 608
  • Ill/Infirm: 432
  • Known Criminals: 26
  • Urban Population: 3244
  • Rural Population: 1097
  Gorgon Wharf, situated on Gorgon Bay, is a vital port for adventurers and merchants in the world of Rolara. While the majority of its 4341 residents are humans, the influence of the nearby metropolis of Shamsi-Adad and the smaller village of Qudaj has led to a more diverse population in terms of species, ethnicities, and professions. The people of Gorgon Wharf are generally friendly and indifferent, making it a welcoming place for travelers and traders alike.   The bustling port town's urban population is 3244, many of whom are sailors, fisherfolk, and merchants that make a living off the sea. The rural population, consisting of 1097 residents, is primarily made up of farmers, craftsmen, and those who provide essential services to the town. As a result of the town's connection to the sea, its culture is strongly influenced by maritime traditions and customs.   The demographics of Gorgon Wharf consist of 912 children, 2821 adults, and 608 elderly residents. There are also 432 individuals who are ill or infirm, and a small number of known criminals, totaling 26. The port's inhabitants come from various backgrounds, with some having strong ties to Shamsi-Adad and Qudaj.   In Gorgon Wharf, the population is generally more accepting of non-humans, as the merchants of Shamsi-Adad are known for their open-mindedness towards different species. This has led to a more diverse population within the town, with individuals from various races and ethnicities coexisting peacefully. The overall atmosphere of Gorgon Wharf is one of camaraderie and cooperation, as residents work together to maintain their thriving port and support their maritime way of life.


Gorgon Wharf is governed by a council of representatives from various factions within the settlement, including merchants, shipwrights, craftsmen, and fishermen. This council, known as the Assembly of Tidecallers, ensures the smooth running of the settlement by overseeing the creation and enforcement of laws, setting taxes, and managing public works projects.   Laws in Gorgon Wharf primarily focus on maintaining order, protecting trade, and ensuring the safety of its residents. Given its status as a vital port, regulations on the shipping and handling of goods are particularly stringent. To maintain its reputation as a reliable trading hub, Gorgon Wharf enforces strict penalties on piracy and smuggling. Environmental laws also exist to prevent overfishing and preserve the surrounding natural resources.   Taxes in Gorgon Wharf are mainly levied on trade, with merchants and ship owners paying tariffs on imported and exported goods. Additional taxes are collected from craftsmen, fishermen, and other workers based on their income. A portion of these taxes goes towards maintaining the port's infrastructure, such as the docks, roads, and public spaces.   The Assembly of Tidecallers is responsible for the allocation of resources and the management of various civic departments, such as the harbor master's office, the guards, and sanitation services. The harbor master oversees the daily operations of the docks, ensuring that ships are berthed and unloaded efficiently, while the guards maintain law and order within the settlement. Sanitation services focus on keeping Gorgon Wharf clean and disposing of waste appropriately.   Despite its predominantly Human population, Gorgon Wharf is a diverse and relatively open-minded settlement, thanks in part to its proximity to Shamsi-Adad and the influence of the merchant class. As a result, the Assembly of Tidecallers strives to maintain a sense of inclusivity and equality in the settlement, with laws and policies reflecting this commitment to social harmony.


Gorgon Wharf, as a thriving port town, focuses on a combination of natural defenses and a well-prepared populace to ensure the safety and security of its inhabitants and their wealth. Although the town lacks traditional defensive structures like walls, it relies on its strategic location and the vigilance of its people to protect itself from threats.   Walls: None
Gorgon Wharf does not have any walls or fortifications surrounding the town. Instead, the settlement focuses on its natural defenses and the preparedness of its people to handle any dangers that may arise. The absence of walls allows for easier access to the harbor, making it more convenient for merchants, sailors, and adventurers to come and go.   Natural Defenses: Bay and River
The town's primary natural defense is its location on Gorgon Bay, a large body of water that provides a natural barrier to potential threats. The bay's deep waters make it difficult for enemy ships to approach the town, and the rocky coastline and unpredictable currents can deter invaders who are not familiar with the local waters. Additionally, a river flows nearby, further fortifying the town's defenses by creating a natural moat around part of the settlement.   Apart from the natural defenses provided by Gorgon Bay and the nearby river, the town's residents are well-prepared to handle any dangers that may arise. A local militia, comprised of capable fighters and skilled magic-users, is always at the ready to defend the town from magical threats and monstrous attacks. The cooperation between the militia and the local government, as well as the various guilds and associations, ensures a swift and effective response to any crisis.

Industry & Trade

Gorgon Wharf has a thriving industry centered around its strategic location on the bay and its abundant natural resources. As a popular sailing port, the settlement is a hub for maritime trade and commerce, with merchants and adventurers frequently passing through. The town's fishing industry is also flourishing, with herring, anchovies, whiting, pollock, trout, clams, and catfish all abundant in the surrounding waters. These fish are not only a vital source of sustenance for the local population but also form an essential part of Gorgon Wharf's exports.   The town's craftsmen are skilled in utilizing the available natural resources to produce various goods. The stone quarries provide material for construction and masonry, while the coal mine offers potential for fuel and industrial applications. The local agriculture industry thrives on the production of grains like chia, wheat, and rye, as well as the cultivation of vegetables such as beets, cabbage, and garlic. The nearby fields and pastures support the raising of livestock like Bakosi cattle and llamas, which are integral to the settlement's economy.


Gorgon Wharf is a thriving port town with a unique and robust infrastructure that supports its growing population and maritime activities. The town's infrastructure is designed to adapt to the fantastical nature of its surroundings, where magical dangers and monsters pose a constant threat to civilization.   Road Construction: Cobblestone Roads
The streets of Gorgon Wharf are paved with cobblestone, offering a sturdy and durable surface for pedestrians, carts, and carriages. The cobblestone roads are not only resilient to the wear and tear caused by daily use, but they also provide some degree of protection against the magical threats that lurk nearby. The roads are maintained by skilled craftsmen, who occasionally infuse the stones with minor enchantments to enhance their durability or resist the corrosive effects of certain magical creatures.   Main Irrigation: Furrow Irrigation
To support the town's agricultural needs, Gorgon Wharf utilizes furrow irrigation systems. The furrows channel water from nearby rivers and streams to the cultivated fields, ensuring a consistent supply of water for crops. While the majority of the irrigation system is non-magical, there are instances where magic-users are called upon to manipulate water flow or purify contaminated sources, thereby maintaining the efficiency of the irrigation network.



District 1
  • Type: Docks
  • Population: 422
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Foul
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept
District 2
  • Type: Craftsmen
  • Population: 227
  • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept
  As a wanderer steps into the lively settlement of Gorgon Wharf, they find themselves in Dockside Haven, a district buzzing with the sounds of ships docking and the clamor of merchants haggling over goods. The air is thick with the salty scent of the sea and the less pleasant odor of fish, as the cleanliness of the district leaves much to be desired. However, the stone buildings are well-kept, a testament to the pride and resilience of the people who call this district home.   Artisan's Alley, the second district, is where the wanderer will find skilled craftsmen hard at work, creating and repairing goods for the townspeople and visitors alike. The atmosphere is more orderly than Dockside Haven, and the clay-lined fiber buildings give the district a more down-to-earth, humble feel. Like Dockside Haven, Artisan's Alley is well-maintained, as the residents value their work and community.   In Gorgon Wharf, power is divided both formally and informally. Formally, the local government, consisting of elected officials and influential merchants, oversees the management of the town and ensures that both districts are well-maintained and protected. Informally, the various guilds and associations of craftsmen, merchants, and sailors hold sway in their respective areas of expertise. These organizations work together and collaborate with the local government to ensure the continued prosperity and safety of Gorgon Wharf and its inhabitants.


Gorgon Wharf boasts a variety of valuable assets that contribute to the settlement's prosperity and sustainability. The town's stone quarries, particularly the Rock Pit, provide a steady supply of slate for construction projects and infrastructure maintenance. With 19 dedicated workers, the Rock Pit ensures the availability of this essential building material.   In addition to its stone resources, Gorgon Wharf benefits from a nearby Mountain Top Removal Mine that gathers coal. While the mine currently lacks a workforce, the presence of this valuable resource offers potential for future exploitation and the possibility of further economic development.  

Stone Quarries

Rock Pit
  • Gathers Slate
  • 19 workers

Ore Mines

Mountain Top Removal Mine
  • Gathers Coal
  • null workers

Guilds and Factions

  • The Navigators' Guild: This organization is comprised of skilled sailors, navigators, and cartographers who pride themselves on their expertise in maritime navigation. They offer their services to ship captains and merchants in need of skilled crew members, as well as providing accurate maps and charts for sea voyages. The Navigators' Guild also has a say in the regulation of shipping lanes and maritime safety measures.
  • The Stormborn Coterie: This group of devout followers of Keraunee, the goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and marriage, act as spiritual guides for the residents of Gorgon Wharf. They maintain the ancient temple dedicated to Keraunee and lead rituals and ceremonies in her honor. Their influence extends to matters related to the sea and its dangers, and they often advise the Assembly of Tidecallers on these issues.
  • The Shipwrights' Association: As the settlement's primary source of income comes from trade, shipbuilding is a vital industry in Gorgon Wharf. The Shipwrights' Association is a collective of skilled shipbuilders and carpenters, responsible for the construction and maintenance of vessels for trade, fishing, and defense. They also contribute to the upkeep of the docks and harbor infrastructure.
  • The Fishermen's Consortium: This organization represents the interests of the local fishermen and works to ensure sustainable fishing practices. They are often at odds with some merchants, as they advocate for stricter regulations on overfishing and environmental protection. The Fishermen's Consortium has a say in the establishment of fishing quotas and seasonal restrictions.
  • The Merchants' Syndicate: This powerful group of traders and business owners is responsible for much of the settlement's wealth and growth. They deal in various goods, including natural resources, exotic imports, and manufactured items from Gorgon Wharf's craftsmen. The Merchants' Syndicate has a significant influence over trade policies and taxes, and they often lobby the Assembly of Tidecallers for favorable legislation.
  In the bustling settlement of Gorgon Wharf, the Assembly of Tidecallers maintains a tenuous balance of power with the various factions and guilds that vie for influence. While they govern the day-to-day affairs and enact policies, they must navigate the complex web of interests that each group represents.   The Navigators' Guild, with their mastery of the sea, enjoys a close relationship with the Assembly, often advising them on maritime matters. However, their rivalry with the Merchants' Syndicate, driven by disputes over trade routes and tariffs, puts the Assembly in a delicate position.   The Stormborn Coterie, devoted followers of the tempestuous goddess Keraunee, wield significant influence through their spiritual guidance. They often act as mediators between factions, leveraging their divine wisdom to broker compromises. Yet, the Assembly is wary of the Coterie's reach, as their zealous faith could lead to unpredictable outcomes.   The Shipwrights' Association and the Fishermen's Consortium, though focused on different aspects of Gorgon Wharf's maritime economy, find themselves as natural allies. They share a common interest in preserving the settlement's natural resources and ensuring the prosperity of its people. Together, they push the Assembly to adopt sustainable policies that protect Gorgon Wharf's long-term viability.   On the other hand, the Merchants' Syndicate is constantly at odds with the Fishermen's Consortium over regulations that might hinder their pursuit of wealth. With deep pockets and influential connections, they challenge the Assembly's authority, seeking to bend the rules in their favor.   In Gorgon Wharf, the interplay of these factions and their relationships with the Assembly of Tidecallers create a dynamic political landscape, ripe for intrigue and adventure. As players delve into this world, they will find a myriad of opportunities to forge alliances, incite conflict, or perhaps even reshape the balance of power entirely.

Points of interest

Gorgon Wharf, being a lively port town, offers more than just its bustling harbor and marketplaces. There are several unique and fantastical points of interest in and around the town, drawing the attention of adventurers, scholars, and curious visitors alike. The worship of Keraunee, the goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and marriage, plays a significant role in the town's culture and history, influencing some of its most prominent attractions.  

Special Features

  • The Temple of Tides: 2.68 miles southwest
  • Located just a short distance southwest of Gorgon Wharf, the Temple of Tides is an ancient structure believed to have been built by an enigmatic sea-faring civilization that predates the town itself. The temple is dedicated to Keraunee, the goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and marriage. Locals believe the temple holds the key to controlling the tides and the unpredictable currents of Gorgon Bay, as well as the power to invoke Keraunee's favor or wrath. Adventurers and researchers often visit the temple, hoping to uncover its secrets and gain the blessings of the goddess.  
  • The Pillars of Legend: 2415 feet south
  • To the south of Gorgon Wharf stand the Pillars of Legend, a collection of ancient stone columns that are believed to possess magical properties. Each pillar is intricately carved with depictions of Keraunee and legendary sea creatures, as well as mythical maritime tales that emphasize the goddess's role in the lives of sailors and seafarers. Locals and travelers alike visit the Pillars of Legend to pay tribute to Keraunee, make offerings, or simply to marvel at the craftsmanship and the enchanting aura that surrounds them. It is said that the pillars can bestow Keraunee's blessings upon those who truly understand and respect her power.   In addition to these special features, Gorgon Wharf offers a variety of other attractions that cater to the diverse interests of its residents and visitors. The bustling marketplaces, lively taverns, and impressive shipwrights make the town a hub for trade, entertainment, and maritime expertise. As a center of commerce and adventure, Gorgon Wharf remains a captivating destination for anyone seeking the fantastical elements of life in the world of Rolara, all under the watchful eye of the goddess Keraunee.


Gorgon Wharf attracts a diverse array of tourists, each drawn to the town for different reasons. Some of the most common types of visitors include:  
  • Adventurers:

    Many adventurers come to Gorgon Wharf to explore the Temple of Tides, the Pillars of Legend, and the surrounding wilderness. They seek to uncover hidden treasures, gain the blessings of Keraunee, or make a name for themselves by facing the challenges and dangers lurking in these ancient sites.
  • Scholars and researchers:

    Historians, archeologists, and researchers interested in the town's history and the mysterious sea-faring civilization that built the Temple of Tides are often drawn to Gorgon Wharf. They come to study the architecture, artifacts, and mythology surrounding Keraunee and her ancient followers.
  • Sailors and traders:

    Gorgon Wharf's bustling port attracts merchants and sailors from all corners of the world. They come to trade goods, share stories, and experience the town's vibrant marketplaces, taverns, and shipwrights.
  • Families and casual tourists:

    Some tourists visit Gorgon Wharf simply for a change of scenery or to experience its unique coastal atmosphere. They enjoy strolling along the docks, dining at local seafood restaurants, and learning about the town's maritime history.
  During their stay in Gorgon Wharf, tourists can choose from various accommodations depending on their preferences and budget. Options include:  
  • Inns and guesthouses:

    Several inns and guesthouses are scattered throughout the town, offering comfortable lodgings and warm hospitality. Some inns may even cater specifically to adventurers or sailors, providing specialized services and facilities tailored to their needs.
  • Harbor lodges:

    For those who prefer to be close to the water, harbor lodges provide rooms with stunning views of Gorgon Bay and easy access to the docks. These lodgings are particularly popular among sailors and traders.
  • Farm stays and rural retreats:

    Visitors seeking a quieter and more immersive experience may choose to stay in nearby farmhouses or rural retreats. These accommodations offer a taste of the local lifestyle and a chance to explore the surrounding countryside.
  No matter their reason for visiting or choice of accommodation, tourists in Gorgon Wharf are sure to find a wealth of experiences and attractions that cater to their interests, all set against the backdrop of the town's rich maritime history and the ever-present influence of the goddess Keraunee.


Gorgon Wharf's architecture reflects the town's maritime roots and the influence of its nearby metropolis, Shamsi-Adad. The blend of practicality and aesthetics in its buildings showcases the town's adaptability and growth over time.   Primary Building Style: Marble
The most prominent and distinguished buildings in Gorgon Wharf are constructed of marble, a testament to the town's prosperity and its connections to the wealthy merchants of Shamsi-Adad. Marble buildings, such as the harbor master's office and the grandest inns, are a symbol of prestige and wealth. These structures often feature intricate carvings of maritime symbols, mythical creatures, and tales of heroic adventures at sea.   Secondary Building Styles: Stone and Clay Lined Fiber
The majority of the town's buildings are made from locally sourced stone and clay lined fiber, a more affordable and readily available alternative to marble. These materials provide durability against the harsh coastal weather and offer protection from the magical dangers that occasionally threaten the town. Stone buildings typically house the shops, workshops, and homes of the working class, while clay lined fiber structures are used for agricultural buildings, such as barns and storage facilities.   Aesthetics: Normal
The overall aesthetic of Gorgon Wharf's architecture leans towards functionality, with an emphasis on practical designs that accommodate the town's maritime activities. Buildings are generally simple and unpretentious, with a few exceptions that showcase the craftsmanship and artistic flair of their builders. However, the influence of Shamsi-Adad can be seen in the newest constructions, which exhibit more elaborate designs and details that cater to the tastes of wealthy merchants and travelers.   Cleanliness: Dirty
Due to the bustling nature of the port town and the constant influx of sailors, merchants, and adventurers, the streets of Gorgon Wharf can become quite dirty. Mud, fish scales, and other debris are common sights along the cobblestone roads, particularly in the Maritime District. However, this grime is a testament to the town's vibrant and active community.   Upkeep: Handsom
Despite the dirtiness of the streets, the buildings in Gorgon Wharf are well-maintained. Residents take pride in the upkeep of their homes and businesses, ensuring that the structures remain sturdy and sound. Newer buildings influenced by Shamsi-Adad often receive additional attention, with freshly painted exteriors and carefully manicured gardens that highlight the town's growing prosperity.


Gorgon Wharf is situated along the coast of a picturesque marine bay, 1.86 miles inland from the open sea. The town rests at an elevation of 289 feet above sea level, with the terrain gently sloping towards the shoreline. The landscape is characterized by rolling hills, lush vegetation, and a ground cover of about 73%, which supports a variety of flora and fauna.   The coastal location of Gorgon Wharf provides it with access to both saltwater and freshwater resources. Gorgon Bay is a thriving marine ecosystem, with a depth of 909 feet and an abundance of aquatic life, including herring, anchovies, whiting, and pollock. The bay is navigable, making it an ideal hub for trade, transportation, and fishing activities.   A meandering river flows through the town, offering a freshwater source for its inhabitants. The river has a salinity of fresh water, a depth of 23 feet, and a width of 571 feet, making it navigable for smaller vessels. The river is home to a variety of aquatic animals such as clams, catfish, and trout, contributing to the local fishing industry and biodiversity.   The natural beauty of Gorgon Wharf is captivating, with stunning views of the bay, the rolling hills, and the verdant landscape. The town's unique position between the marine coast and the river creates a diverse range of habitats and ecosystems, making it an ideal location for adventurers, scholars, and tourists who appreciate the wonders of nature.   Overall, the geographic features of Gorgon Wharf provide the town with valuable resources, natural beauty, and a prime location for maritime activities. The blend of sea, river, and rolling hills creates a picturesque setting that is both captivating and functional, allowing the settlement to thrive as a bustling port in the world of Rolara.


Gorgon Wharf enjoys a warm temperate grassland climate, characterized by moderate temperatures and a mix of wet and dry conditions throughout the year. The average annual temperature is 54°F, providing a comfortable environment for the town's residents and visitors.   The town receives an average annual precipitation of 26.63 inches, with rainfall occurring more frequently during the wetter months. This precipitation helps to maintain the lush grasslands and vegetation that surround the settlement. In addition, Gorgon Wharf experiences an average annual snowfall of 6 feet, with the winter season bringing a touch of frost and snow to the landscape.   The climate in Gorgon Wharf is marked by distinct seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring. Each season offers its own unique beauty and challenges, from the warm summer days perfect for sailing and fishing to the chilly winter nights ideal for cozying up indoors.   Prevailing winds in Gorgon Wharf blow from the northwest to southeast, influencing the town's weather patterns and moderating the temperature. These winds can be particularly beneficial for sailors navigating the bay and river, providing a natural means of propulsion for their vessels.   The ocean currents near Gorgon Wharf are predominantly warm, which contributes to the overall temperate climate of the area. These warm currents not only influence the weather but also play a role in the abundance of marine life in Gorgon Bay, supporting the local fishing industry and enriching the ecosystem.   Overall, the climate of Gorgon Wharf is characterized by its warm temperate grassland conditions, with moderate temperatures, distinct seasons, and a mix of wet and dry periods. This climate supports a diverse range of flora and fauna, offers a comfortable environment for the town's inhabitants, and provides favorable conditions for maritime activities in the region.

Natural Resources

Gorgon Wharf is blessed with a wealth of natural resources that are crucial to the settlement's success and the livelihoods of its inhabitants. The surrounding area is rich in various types of stone, including metamorphic rocks like slate and marble and sedimentary rocks like sandstone and laterite. These resources are vital for building and maintaining the town's infrastructure.   The local environment supports a diverse array of flora and fauna, providing food and resources for the people of Gorgon Wharf. The grasslands are home to grey fescue grass, tall fescue grass, and blue fescue grass, which are important for livestock grazing. A variety of shrubs, such as aloe vera, barberry, and tomato plants, grow in the area, while tamarisk moss can also be found.   The surrounding land supports a range of wildlife, from domesticated livestock like Bakosi cattle and llamas to wild prey animals like lizards, jackrabbits, and bison. Predators such as lions and sidewinders also inhabit the region, adding an element of danger and unpredictability to life outside the safety of Gorgon Wharf. Despite the potential threats, the settlement's resource-rich environment offers its inhabitants an abundance of opportunities for prosperity and growth.  

Resources Overview


  • Metamorphic: Slate and Marble
  • Sedimentary: Sandstone and Laterite


  • Minerals: Coal
  • Metals: Manganese


  • Warm Seasons: Chia
  • Cool Seasons: Wheat and Rye
  • Food: Chia, Wheat, and Rye


  • Root: Beets
  • Cruciferous: Cabbage
  • Alium: Garlic

Utility Crops

  • Oil: Linseed

Flora and Fauna

  • Livestock: Bakosi(Cattle) and Llamas
  • Prey: Lizards, Jackrabbit, and Bison
  • Predators: Lions and Sidewinder
  • Aquatic: Herring, Anchovies, Whiting, Pollock, Trout, Clams, and Catfish
  • Grass: Grey Fescue Grass, Tall Fescue Grass, and Blue Fescue Grass
  • Shrubs: Aloe Vera, Barberry, and Tomato Plant
  • Moss: Tamarisk Moss
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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