Bakari Okot Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Bakari Okot


Bakari was a man from Soweto, a country to the north of Balidan. Bakari was known for his adventurous spirit and unyielding desire for knowledge. He became a man of great renown and great wisdom.  

Magick and Cost

Bakari possessed a unique blend of power and wisdom. As a Kaster, he underwent the transformative Rite of Quresh, bestowing upon him extraordinary magickal abilities. Bakari's specialization lay in the manipulation of the body, wielding his powers to both heal the afflicted and punish those deserving of retribution.   With his rare talent, Bakari could manipulate the muscular and skeletal structures of living beings, channeling his Magick to mend injuries and restore health. Conversely, his powers could be directed towards those he deemed deserving of punishment, using his abilities to debilitate and incapacitate wrongdoers.   The cost associated with Bakari's magickal abilities was peculiar and uniquely tied to his very being. Magick became a vital source of sustenance for him, continuously replenishing his reserves even in times of stress or exhaustion. Bakari's body served as a vessel, drawing upon an endless well of magickal energy to fuel his powers. However, this constant influx came with a consequence. If he abstained from using magick for an extended period, typically around five days, his body began to suffer. Migraines plagued him, and an unshakable irritability took hold until he tapped into his powers once more.  

Journey To Balidan

  Bakari's journey to Balidan began in his early years. He undertook the Sahwetu Safar at the age of 15. But it was not one undertaken alone. He embarked on this treacherous path alongside his father, Bbosa, a seasoned explorer whose adventurous spirit and insatiable thirst for discovery had led him to the fabled land. Together, they braved the perils of the long and arduous journey, traversing vast expanses of untamed wilderness, facing harsh climates, and overcoming numerous obstacles along the way.  

College of Ouroboros

  Bbosa, driven by his unwavering curiosity, sought to join the illustrious College of Ouroboros, renowned for its pursuit of arcane knowledge and the unraveling of ancient mysteries. He saw in the College an opportunity to delve deeper into the secrets of the world, to expand his understanding of magick, and to contribute his own unique insights to the realm of exploration and discovery.   As father and son arrived in Balidan, their shared determination and unyielding resolve remained undeterred. Bbosa set forth on a personal quest, venturing into the depths of the formidable Al Kuah desert in search of the enigmatic city of Arubakahr, a legendary place shrouded in whispers and myth. It was a perilous undertaking, fraught with danger and uncertainty, as he sought to unveil the secrets that lay hidden within its ancient ruins.   Inspired by his father's courageous spirit and driven by a desire to follow in his footsteps, Bakari made a resolute decision to join the College of Ouroboros at the age of 25. He recognized the profound significance of the institution and the opportunities it presented for intellectual growth, magickal exploration, and the preservation of ancient wisdom. Determined to carve his own path and contribute to the legacy of the College, he embraced the arduous challenges that lay ahead.   Guided by his father's pioneering spirit and armed with his own burgeoning talents and innate curiosity, Bakari stepped into the hallowed halls of the College. There, he would undergo rigorous training, engage in esoteric studies, and immerse himself in the magickal arts. As he pursued his studies and developed his own unique abilities, Bakari's resolve deepened, his dedication unwavering.   The footsteps Bakari followed were not only those of his father, but also those of countless individuals who had come before him, leaving indelible marks on the annals of the College's history. As he embarked on this transformative journey, he carried with him the weight of his father's aspirations and the promise of discovering his own destiny within the realm of magick and ancient secrets.   In the realm of the College of Ouroboros, Bakari's story would unfold, intertwining with the legends and tales of exploration, discovery, and magickal enlightenment. With each step he took, he carved his own legacy, leaving an indelible mark upon the College and the world of Balidan itself.   Driven by his insatiable thirst for knowledge and his desire to protect the secrets and treasures of the College, Bakari eventually assumed the esteemed role of an Asrarim. Within this enigmatic sect of the College of Ouroboros, he safeguarded the valuable artifacts and secrets entrusted to their care, utilizing his unique magickal abilities and unwavering dedication to preserving the delicate balance between knowledge and secrecy.   Bakari stood as a symbol of resilience, wielding his powers for the betterment of others while grappling with the ever-present burden of his magickal essence. His story intertwined with the mysteries of the College, the ancient city of Arubahkahr, and the perpetual quest for enlightenment and protection of hidden truths.  


  Bakari's journey extended beyond his mastery of magick and involvement with the College of Ouroboros. He played a significant role in the discovery of Arubahkahr, an ancient city steeped in mystery and enchantment. It was during his explorations that he encountered a Djinn named Arubahkahr, an entity whose presence reverberated through the world. Bakari's encounter with this Djinn left an indelible mark on him, shaping his path and understanding of the greater forces at play.
Date of Birth
15 EoM
Date of Death
106 EoM
1445 AB 1536 AB 91 years old
Circumstances of Death
Succumbed to the magick that had been flowing through him. Bakari was consumed by magick.
Aligned Organization


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