Lady Seraphina Ashcroft Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Lady Seraphina Ashcroft

Lady Seraphina Ashcroft was a prominent aristocrat, known for her elegance, wealth, and unwavering support for the Occult of Quresh. With her striking features, piercing blue eyes, and a regal demeanor, she commanded attention wherever she went. Her age was a well-guarded secret, as she possessed an air of timeless grace and wisdom.   Lady Seraphina hailed from a long line of aristocracy, her family having held significant influence for generations. Raised amidst privilege and opulence, she developed a deep fascination with the esoteric and mysterious from an early age. As she matured, Lady Seraphina found herself drawn to the occult and the hidden realms of magick.   In her early years, Seraphina was a devout member of the Church of the Prevailing Man, fervently following their teachings and doctrines. However, as she witnessed the Church's merciless persecution of Magick users and their oppressive control over the people, doubts began to form in her mind.   Together with her husband, Seraphina made the daring decision to leave Scalmoore behind, seeking refuge in the land of Balidan, a place where magick was more openly embraced. Unfortunately, their newfound sanctuary came at a great cost. Seraphina's husband was tragically killed by the Knights of Temperance, the ruthless enforcers of the Church, for assisting members of the Occult of Quresh.   Devastated by the loss of her beloved husband, Seraphina found solace and purpose in dedicating her life to the cause he had fought for. With an unwavering determination to protect and assist those with magickal abilities, she became an integral member of the Occult. Seraphina's innate compassion, combined with her sharp intellect and strategic acumen, propelled her into a position of leadership within the organization.   Lady Seraphina's involvement with the Occult began as a discreet patron, supporting their cause from the shadows. Recognizing the potential and significance of the organization, she decided to take a more active role, offering her grand estate in Anitopolis as the headquarters for their clandestine activities. With her vast resources and connections, she ensured the smooth functioning of the Occult, providing the necessary financial support and protection.   Lady Seraphina was known for her enigmatic nature and mysterious aura. She possessed a deep understanding of the occult and the intricacies of magick. Her calm and composed demeanor masked a fierce determination and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and the liberation of magick. Though reserved and selective in her interactions, she commanded respect and loyalty from the members of the Occult.

Personality Characteristics


Lady Seraphina believed in the potential of magick to shape the world and unlock its hidden wonders. She saw the Occult as a force for change, challenging the oppressive norms of society and empowering those with magickal abilities. Her motivation lay in the pursuit of knowledge, the preservation of magick, and the protection of individuals who possess these extraordinary gifts.
Piercing blue
Aligned Organization
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