Lindwyrm Species in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Lindwyrm, one of the more fearsome and sinister Voidlings, were prevalent during the Era of the Beast. These malevolent creatures had a distinctive, imposing appearance. Lindwyrm boasted forelimbs that enabled them to climb with exceptional agility, a feature that set them apart from other Voidlings. Their swiftness on land made them formidable hunters, capable of navigating various terrains with ease. However, their lack of hind limbs occasionally made them less agile in challenging landscapes. Lindwyrm territory extended from Melechstein to The Spreiwald, a vast region marked by their ominous presence. Unlike some other Voidlings, Lindwyrm seldom communicated with humans, known for their aggressive tendencies and a propensity to attack, even when their prey lacked magical abilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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