Naga Species in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Naga, an uncommon variety of Voidlings, inhabited the arid deserts of Balidan and surrounding areas for countless centuries during the Era of the Beast. These serpent-like creatures were confined to the ground due to their lack of limbs or wings. Naga displayed an ability to effortlessly navigate the sands, burrowing beneath the surface when necessary. Their demeanor was notably more composed and tranquil compared to other Voidlings. Naga were known to engage in conversations with humans, demonstrating a unique capacity for communication. most notably speaking Old Setsyrian. This rare interaction offered insights into their enigmatic nature. Unlike their aggressive counterparts, Naga generally refrained from attacking humans indiscriminately, and some tales even depicted instances of cooperation between these creatures and select individuals. This distinct behavior set Naga apart within the diverse realm of Voidlings.       Bakari Okot, Roscoe 'Red' Callahan, Jannik Servaas and Andrew Henlien came across an ancient Naga in 50 EoM while they were imprisoned in Atesh'chekru or The Pit of Five Sorrows, located in Menkha.   Though people claim to have sighted Naga in the present day, this sightings have yet to be substantiated, many believe Naga to be extinct.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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