Karya Turan Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Karya Turan

Karya Turan was the leader of the Occult of Quresh after Quresh's passing. She was known for her wisdom, strength, and devotion to using magick for the greater good. Her leadership was a source of controversy among the members of the Occult, but her determination and conviction kept her in power.   Karya was one of Solomon Quresh's closest followers and an early member of the Occult. She admired Solomon's passion for magick and his vision for a world where magick was accessible to all. However, as she delved deeper into magick and its potential, she began to see its insane power and limitless potential.   Karya realized that magick could be used for both good and evil, and that its unbridled use could have catastrophic consequences. She started to advocate for caution, discipline, and responsibility in the practice of magick.   That all changed when the Knights of Temperance, an inquisitorial faction within the Church of the Prevailing Man, executed Solomon. Karya saw this as an opportunity to change the direction of the Occult. She believed that the Occult should be a force for power in the world, and that they could use their magick to help people and fight against oppression and tyranny.   Under Karya's leadership, the Occult became more organized and focused, with a clear mission and goals. They started to work in secret to help people in need, and to undermine and attack the Knights of Temperance and their allies. Karya also emphasized the importance of education and training in magick, and encouraged members of the Occult to use their powers at will and with force.   Despite her good intentions, Karya's leadership was not without its challenges. Some members of the Occult disagreed with her approach and felt that she was too cautious and conservative. Others accused her of being too radical and putting the Occult in danger. However, Karya has remained steadfast in her beliefs and her commitment to using magick for what she believed was the greater good.   Karya was a woman of great strength and intelligence, with a deep knowledge of magick and its potential. She was a skilled and powerful kaster, and her leadership has made the Occult a formidable force in Balidan. Her determination and conviction have inspired many, and was respected and admired by those who followed her.
Date of Birth
1499 EoB
1499 AB 1538 AB 39 years old
Aligned Organization


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