Scourge of Scalmoore Military Conflict in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Scourge of Scalmoore

The Scourge of Scalmoore was a catastrophic event that took place in the country of Scalmoore. It was caused by a masked vigilante turned villain named Scourge, who had the magickal ability to create sickness and pestilence. Driven by anger, bitterness, and a desire for power, he unleashed his magick on the country, causing widespread devastation and chaos.   Despite the toll that his Magick was taking on his health, Scourge saw himself as a hero who was being punished for trying to protect the people. He believed that the pestilence he created would cure him and create a stronger society.   However, a small group of vigilantes known as Bishop, Shadestrider, and Revenant, rose up to challenge Scourge and put an end to his reign of terror. They were skilled warriors with unique abilities, and they formed a team to take down Scourge and restore peace to Scalmoore.   In the end, Bishop, Shadestrider, and Revenant emerged victorious, and the country began the long process of rebuilding. The story of their heroism would become a legend, inspiring others to stand up for what is right and fight for a better world. The Scourge of Scalmoore remains a dark chapter in Scalmoore's history, but it is also a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
Conflict Type
Start Date
44 EoT
Ending Date
45 EoT


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