Zeph Avari Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Zeph Avari

Zeph Avari was the last surviving member of House Avari, after his parents Vaco and Cara were tragically killed under mysterious circumstances. Despite the devastating loss of his family, Zeph has continued to thrive in Ravenport. Currently, he holds the esteemed position of Guildmaster for the Seekers Guild and serves as a council member on the Guilders Circle.   Zeph was born and raised in Ravenport under the auspices of the influential House Avari. His parents were prominent members of the Merchants Guild, and their family owned the largest shipping company in Ravenport. Zeph was a curious child who often landed in trouble with his parents for eavesdropping on private conversations. He was also known for his rebellious nature and resistance towards authority, but was fiercely loyal to his loved ones.   After the tragic death of his parents, Zeph became determined to seek justice by proving the Darcia family's role in the murder and avenging his parents' death. Despite being the only one who suspected House Darcia, Zeph was convinced of their guilt. He believed that the Darcia family had always harbored jealousy towards the Avaris' wealth and status. Although the council ruled the deaths as a mugging, Zeph refused to accept this conclusion.   As a result of his parents' murder, the Avari Shipping Company's fortunes began to decline, and Zeph's uncle Rhyan Avari took over the company. However, Rhyan was not as skilled as Zeph's parents in managing the business. Consequently, the Darcia family took over many of the shipping contracts in Ravenport.   Around 30 EoT, shortly after the deaths of Vaco and Cara, Rhyan Avari quickly penned a deal that combined the company with rival house and company, House Darcia and the Darcia Shipping Company. This aroused some suspicion as the timing was strange but was quickly handwaved away. Some years later, Rhyan and House Darcia were convicted of an array of charges ranging from forgery of legal documents, theft, and smuggling of government property, and finally the murder of Vaco and Cara Avari. Were it not for Zeph and the Seekers Guild, none of this would have been discovered. Rhyan Avari and members of House Darcia are currently serving sentences in prison for their crimes. Zeph Avari has since reclaimed control of his family's business.  

Valerius Arcos and The Seekers Guild

  In addition to his hard work with his families business, Zeph also helped found the Seekers Guild, a guild whose purpose is to hunt down dangerous and wanted criminals. During this time, Zeph became very close with Valerius Arcos, who was a high ranking member of the Merchants Guild at the time. Arcos was good friends with Vaco and Cara Avari, as they were in the Merchants Guild together. Together, they helped each other move forward in their respective ventures. Zeph and the rest of the Seekers Guild assisted Arcos with his acension to Guildmaster of the Merchants Guild while Arcos assured the Seekers Guild was approved for founding. The two have had a tight knit bond ever since.   To further their alliance, Valerius and Zeph are now bound as family. Zeph has wed Arcos' eldest daughter Anastasia Arcos-Avari. Together, they adopted their first child, Zeke Avari, who now holds a high seat within the Avari Shipping Company.


Rhyan Avari

Uncle (Important)

Towards Zeph Avari



Zeph Avari

Nephew (Trivial)

Towards Rhyan Avari



Zeph Avari

Husband (Vital)

Towards Anastasia Arcos-Avari



Anastasia Arcos-Avari

Wife (Important)

Towards Zeph Avari



Date of Birth
2 EoT (1878 AB)
Aligned Organization


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