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Originating in the underground Realm of L'duhx, the Hemtu are a small people with large glowing eyes and bioluminescent skin. Their naturally large brain capacity and special sense organs on their hands and feet allow them to feel the senses and emotions of anyone they touch. Those who hone this skill can even transmit their own senses to another. This ability makes the Hemtu naturally empathetic as well as skilled healers and deadly-precise assassins.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hemtu are generally very family-oriented, with parents and children speaking through their empathy organs to bond. They care very much about one another as they see anything effecting one person may emotionally destroy the entire group by proxy. This is done more for self-preservation rather than moral obligation outside their family.

Facial characteristics

fair features and large eyes with glowing sclera. Hard to tell male from female by face alone. Black hair
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Male: 4'6'' Female: 5'1''
Average Weight
83 -105 Lbs
Average Physique
Small frame, skinny, sinuous at wrists and ankles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Unlit skin is a pale brown or red. Luminescence ranges from yellow, orange, green, and a very rare blue.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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