Entsteig Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Entsteig (ent-STEEG)

Entsteig is part of the region known as the Western Kingdoms, along with the lands of Westmarch and Khanduras. Sitting between the Sharval Wilds and the Northern Steppes, the lands of Ensteig are a culture to themselves, mixed from influences of East and West, and apart from their neighbors.


Entsteig is a proud kingdom that has pledged its loyalties to the faith. However, faith in the Light is mixed with paganistic beliefs, (at least some of which include the concept of gods) and its people believe the Sharval Wilds to be an enchanted place of fey spirits. Goblins and dragons also feature in Entsteig folklore.   Throughout its history, the people of Entsteig have always believed in Heaven and Hell, perhaps even before any other culture on Sanctuary. They have traditionally been ruled by various kings and queens, who are buried in mounds. It is believed that a curse will befall anyone who defiles an unbroken grave.   When Rakkis marched west, Entsteig opened up to the man and embraced his teachings. In return for embracing the Zakarum faith, Entsteig was allowed to retain much of its independence. Because of its quick acceptance of foreign rule, Entsteig quickly modernized and became an important Zakarum territory. In recent times, many of the most devout Zakarum Paladins have hailed from Entsteig.   Despite this, elements of Entsteig's former culture remain. Even now, many old customs and pagan rituals are still practiced by Entsteig's inhabitants in the Sharval Wilds, though these ancient rites have not conflicted with the observance of the Zakarum faith. Rather, Entsteig's people have managed to meld their own esoteric beliefs with their adopted religion.


Thick, mountainous forests blanket Entsteig, though it has some open fields. A number of main roads cross the country (e.g. the King's Road and Queen's Road), and during times of harvest, multiple people can be seen traveling them. Entsteig has a number of towns, but they are dwarfed by their counterparts in Kehjistan. Also, unlike Kehjistan, these towns are not planned; most villages in Entsteig simply grow as people congregate in a given area.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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