Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye

The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye is a loosely organized guild shrouded in mystery. Known only as wandering "rogues" in the Western Kingdoms they are regarded by many as little better than highwaymen who prowl the roads between nations. Maintaining ownership of the Eastgate Monastery, these highly skilled archers have managed to avoid swearing fealty to any kingdom, even as King Leoric conquered and unified the people of Khanduras. Many pompous fools have made the mistake of underestimating these steel-nerved women in combat and paid a terrible price for their vanity.


While some regard the sisterhood as little more than glorified bandits, many of the locals claim that the rogues themselves act and organize themselves more closely akin to a paramilitary structure, with a handful of ranking members giving assignments to their juniors. Whether the inner workings adhere to this rank structure or not, however, is clear only to members of the sisterhood itself.  


Little is known of the history of the rogues before their rise to power in recent years. Some claim they were a smaller group of highwaymen that grew to power after taking the Eastgate Monastery, while others insist that they have been inhabiting the monastery for many decades, but only recently started expanding their area of influence. Likely, only the rogues themselves know the truth behind all the rumors and hearsay.  
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Sisters of the Sightless Eye
Controlled Territories

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